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britjayhawk0405 asked in PetsHorses · 1 decade ago

Which is the appropriate halter class to enter english horses in?

Our local fun/schooling shows are mostly western. I wanted to start off exposing our 2-year-old to shows by entering him in some halter or showmanship classes, and I also guessed since I was taking him I might as well take the old Warmblood mare as well, so she is not left behind alone in the pasture.

So the two horses we would be trying to enter are a 2-year-old AQHA-registered Appendix gelding (definitely the lanky hunter type, NOT a bulky halter type) and a senior warmblood mare who is very good weight and in good condition for her age.

The classes the local show circuit tends to offer is usually something along the lines of:

Halter, Stock Type

Halter, Saddle Type

Halter, Registered Quarter Horse

Halter Horse, 2 & Under

Plus or minus a few classes because sometimes they divide by sex as well, and sometimes will add/subtract the horse age group classes. Then there are the showmanship classes as well, which we'd just be in open showmanship.

I am less confused about what to enter the 2-year-old TB-looking Appendix in as it seems he might have a couple of options, but where would I place the warmblood? Would she have to do showmanship only?

Is "Saddle Type" for gaited/saddleseat type horses, or any english-style horse?

We may be able to find some hunter-specific in-hand classes for them, but they will be few and far between, so this type of show is what we have the greatest chance of going to/going to more often over the summer. I just didn't want to look too out-of-place with my horses in the wrong class.

4 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The WB isn't AQHA, so I wouldn't enter her in anything. She can just be a travel buddy for the youngster.

    You could probably stick the 2yo in the Registered class. It doesn't specify stock-type or hunter-type, so as long as you're both outfitted appropriately, it should be ok to show him in there.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The saddle type class should do fine especially since its a fun/schooling show, but I personally like the showmanship classes myself. If your horses are very well behaved and are into your every cue, and you have great showmanship posture, you can do very well in that class. Oh and if you are worried about what to wear, I suggest keeping your horse in its english bridle and you wear your english show clothes. That way, the judge knows exactly what discipline your horse does.

  • 1 decade ago

    Saddle type is for saddle seat/ gaited horses.

    From the sounds of it, i do not think your warmblood would fit into any of the categories, unless she is a registered AQHA. Sry

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'm assuming you're exhibiting in an open breed classification. you ought to easily circulate via the regulations, tack, and clothing ordinary on your horse's breed. you may circulate on your horse's breed internet site, the breed handbook from the USEQ, or perhaps merely look at circuit coach photos to be certain the norm for her breed. Are you valuable it particularly is halter you're asking approximately and characteristic considered, and not showmanship? i've got in no way considered bridles, head stalls, or helmets in a halter classification for any breed. no count if it particularly is showmanship, merely positioned on your saddle fit clothing and use your bridle.

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