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britjayhawk0405 asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

Can you run a dog to death?

The other day, we were out on the farm, and riding a dirt bike around the pasture. We suddenly had the idea to encourage our German Shepherd to run along to try and get him some good exercise, and he proceeded to race along beside/behind us at full speed for nearly 3 miles (still in the pasture, not the road, and not on a leash). After that, we quit, worried that he was going to get hurt running that fast for so long (we also slowed down a couple times while we were still doing circles to to make sure he didn't want to stop), and took him down to his water dish.

He was panting like mad and had slobber/foam all over his face, but after a drink of water he immediately jumped in to playing basketball with the family, so I don't think he really used up all of his energy.

Will a dog run themselves to death if they are enjoying it though, or will they slow down and stop if they have had enough?

He seemed to be having a blast running after the dirt bike on the grass, so I'd like to do it again (and maybe go further so he is properly tired), but I want to be sure I'm not going to have him keel over or hurt himself.

How far can a dog run full speed? And will they stop themselves when they've had enough?

7 Answers

  • Remdog
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes. You did the right thing by giving him a breather and some water. A lab died not too long ago at a field trial by overheating. It was extremely sad, and a wakeup call to everyone involved in dog sports.

    Not all dogs will stop themselves. My lab will keep retrieving as long as I keep throwing- it's up to me to be the responsible owner and decide when he's had enough.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sure a dog could run himself to death if the condition were right for it, such as the heat or an underlying medical condition. One thing I did, however, want to point out, is that you had be VERY careful about BLOAT/Gastric Torsion. This is something that could kill your dog, much sooner than a 3 mile run. I suggest you study up on that, and make sure that in the future you take all the precautions that you can, to prevent this. Just Google: Bloat in Canines if you don't already know what it is.

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  • 1 decade ago

    This is all breed dependant.

    YES dogs can run themselves to death, it has happened many times to sled dogs.

    Also pugs and other brachy cephiliac breeds can die from running.

    Most dogs however will not intentionally run themselves to death. If that GSD had felt faint from running, he would have stopped. Permitting he does not have some sort of OCD with bikes.

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely a dog can exercise too much. Sometimes they do not know when to stop and it is up to us to make sure they are not overdoing it. We had a dog drop dead from a stroke that we think overdid it. Getting a dog overheated it very much of a concern.

  • 1 decade ago

    They might have enough sense to stop, but of course there are problems such as heat stroke and dehydration.

  • 1 decade ago

    Dogs are pretty smart. Unlike humans, they have no one to impress.

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