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britjayhawk0405 asked in PetsDogs · 1 decade ago

What are some breeds of dogs that absolutely require a fence?

I do not mean in a 'leave your dog outside 24/7 and hope it doesn't run away' sense.

I mean in an 'if you do not have a leash or within a solid fence at all times, there is a very high probability this dog will run away at some point' sense.

I am also referring to breeds that are not likely to respect electric-rope/electric-tape horse fencing around the perimeter of a property, do not become familiar with 'home' or boundaries, and would probably go 'roaming' if you didn't have eyes on them at all times. Our perimeter fencing will probably end up being quite similar to this:

So what breeds would you call a good, sturdy, tall fence an absolute requirement?


I realize that any breed could potentially take off, every dog is an individual, and so forth.

However, I want an idea of dogs breeds to avoid though, because while we will probably have a dog run or a solid-fenced for when we are not home, it is completely impractical to solid fence a full 12 acres (especially with horses, who will push that type of fence over and could injure themselves on it) just because of the off chance the dog might run when we are at home.

9 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I work for Wasp Security. We install electric fence in Thailand. I am also a dog lover.

    If the cost is not prohibitive you could add electric fence predator proofing to your proposed perimeter. If it will keep coyotes out it should keep dogs in.

    From a dog perspective the dumber dogs are the closer they stay. This is like the question about "why my dog chews up the house" The more intelligent the dog the more inquisitive/bored they get.

    Female dogs will stay closer to home than males.

    So look at dogs like English Bulldogs not the sharpest tools in the shed. Somewhere their must be a rating of intelligent dogs, go to the bottom of the list.

    Why not build a cheap wooden fence around the house (unfinished lumber) or a portion of the house and let the dog have the run of that and only take him/her for a walk outside occasionally. My Black Lab seemed to happy in his 20 x 10m backyard. Although he would go walkabout if the gate was left open.

    Source(s): Electric fence Thailand Predator fence$department/deptdocs.n...
  • 1 decade ago

    All breeds have the potential to "run away" if not properly leashed/enclosed. Period. Even Toy breeds can take off for any reason at any time.

    If you don't plan to use a solid fence, then use a tie out and you won't have to worry about boundary training (which may or may not work on ANY breed) or the dog getting loose.

    Most shelters and breeders will not sell a dog to someone if they do not plan to properly contain the animal ("properly" may vary, but in general they want an actual fence or a tie out line of some sort.

    Source(s): Owned by Mutt
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    EVERY DOG. There is no special breed that will roam around outside, then stop at a certain point and turn around. Any dog will see a rabbit, get curious, chase after it, and end up accidently running away. And not all dogs are smart enough to find their way back home.

  • 1 decade ago

    huskies, terriers, hounds

    anything with a high drive is not likely going to respect the boundary of the fence.

    You dont need a solid fence around all 12 acres.. but the dog does NOT need full access to all 12 acres either.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Most dogs(of all breeds) give half a chance, will run off.

    Breeds notorious for jumping, digging under, maneuvering ways out of and/or squeezing through holes are Huskies(or most nothern Malamutes), JRT or most terriers generally, and cats. Haha. Jk.

  • anne b
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Most of the toy breed vermin hunters will run if off leash. These breeds were bred to work independently and are tenacious and aggressive in getting the job done.

    Give a MInpin a rabbit to chase, and you will never see your dog again!

  • Ocimom
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Whippets, Greyhounds, any of the "sight" hounds, Beagles to name a few.

  • 1 decade ago

    Definitely Huskies and Grey hound. They LOVE to run.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pit bulls they jump sooo high!

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