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bulian1 asked in SportsHockey · 1 decade ago

Do you think the Red Wings will recover from game 1 ownage?

Or will the Sharks sweep?


I don't see the Wings keeping up with the Sharks for 7 games.

Update 2:

They were mentally owned

Update 3:

Sharks in 4. The Sharks didn't even have Marleau today.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Boy are YOU seeing things through rose-coloured (or Shark-coloured for that matter). Since when is a game that ends 4-3 considered ownage except in the minds of morons?

  • 1 decade ago

    The Wings were mentally owned? Explain to me how? The score was 4-3. It wasn't an owning. An owning is 6-1 like The Wings did to Phoenix. Detroit can and will recover. You're right, the Wing's won't keep up with the Sharks for 7 games. Because the Wings will win it in 5 or 6. How about you learn a little something about hockey before posting questions like this?

  • 1 decade ago

    Oh for Pete's sake. One game certainly doesn't make a series. I'm sure the Wings goals was to get one of the first two in San Jose and head back home 1-1. I don't think anyone was expecting them to sweep.

  • 1 decade ago

    When you say ownage, you mean by the refs, right?

    To quote The Dude: I ****ing hate the Eagles, man. It's all their fault that this game happened just two days after the Wings finished their last series. Totally unfair.

    This two days of rest is just what the Wings need. They got too little time to recover after the last series but still played just as well as San Jose, if not better. San Jose got lucky tonight and will be lucky to win another game in this series.

  • Didn't they lose Game 1 to the Coyotes too? They'll recover.

    Ownage? You consider a 4-3 loss ownage?

  • 1 decade ago

    well as a wings fan i hope but no i don;t think so i say sharks in 5

  • 1 decade ago

    Wasn't really ownage, they only lost by one goal. But san jose looks way better than phoenix, I think they will take the series in 6.

  • 1 decade ago

    I see ownage as a series sweep.

    This series is hella far from a series sweep.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Typical smack talk from a frontrunning fan.....see if you have the guts to smack talk if the Wings win game 2. I bet not....or you'll post about how the Wings were lucky, had the refs on their side, etc.

    Stay tuned. It's far from over!!

  • 1 decade ago

    dude, there was no ownage to recover from. wings in 5.

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