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Do you find this acceptable?

Drugging Our Children: Side Effects

Do you find this acceptable?


Nutsterschick, what about checking to see if the behavior is medically or allergy related? I agree with what you say, but what about finding out if there's something else causing the behavior?

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I recently watched a Louis Theroux ( see link below ), he stayed with a family where the son took a cocktail of drugs.

    I found it frightening when some of the children in the programme just needed.

    1 discipline.

    2 attention & feed back.

    3 a structured routine

    4 LOVE.

    All the tablets, pills & potions seemed ( to me ) to be a cop-out for parents who said they didn't have time or weren't tough enough to dish out punishment & teach children right from wrong.

    If they're not taught early they get to a certain age & re-programming would be easier!

    I find the idea of drugging children shocking.


    I agree.


    Too quick to give drugs then try to find out if there are underlining medical/mental health issues, the drugs could make the whole situation worse for these poor children.

    It sounds like these drugs were also being tested on them.

    That's not right.

    But then I'm not in the parents situation.

    They may feel differently.

  • 1 decade ago

    Well, I do think they are over-used; though there are cases when they are needed. Of course the effects should be monitored carefully, and changes made if the drugs are causing harm.

    I once babysat a baby who was prescribed Thorazine for colic. I was astounded; this is an antipsychotic drug that can, with long use, cause tardive dyskenesia. Now, in some cases the severity of the illness can justify this risk; but surely not colic in an infant!

    In the end, it is the parents who make the choice.

    For instance, there was the case of Howard Dully, who was given a lobotomy at age 12. His stepmother had taken him to numerous doctors, who all agreed that he was normal and she was the problem. Finally she found a doctor who was willing to agree with her. His father approved the brain surgery, and he was given a lobotomy.

    So like I said, the parents have the final choice.

  • 1 decade ago

    There are some cases when children do need those drugs to function in every day life. But in most cases children that are given these drugs don't even need them in the first place. I was one of them. From the age of 12 I was given many different types of anti-depression pills, anxiety pills, and pills for A.D.D. All they did was make me moody, angry, and suicidal. I am now 21 and I have been off the pills ever since I was 17. I feel better now than I ever did when I was on the drugs and I can function like any other normal person without them. Doctors should not be so quick to prescribe these dangerous drugs to our children. And I cannot imagine why on earth such drugs would be prescribed to a toddler! Are they insane??

  • 5 years ago

    I avoid flipping them off, as there have been too many road rage killings. I do put their names in the Big Book of people who will NOT get into Heaven. I just get far away from the idiots, because that cop might not know the difference and stop me instead! I will drop way back, use my cell to call the tag and vehicle description in to my local 911 about the "drunk driver", and usually, within about ten minutes, he/she/drunk/druggie/Soccer Mom, will be on the road side, "esplanin' they's problims" and why they have no license, lost the registration, and can't find the insurance card! I also do not honk as I go by. But, I do have the biggest grin you ever saw! All the police know me, and love me, for generating so much revenue for our city!

  • 1 decade ago

    Only those involved in the actual situation can answer that. There`s not a universal answer I`m afraid.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    no way

  • 1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


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