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Buying a Foreclosure Home, When do I get deed?

Hello I am going to be buying a foreclosure home on Friday in cash and I was wondering do I get a copy of the title or deed to the house at closing or what, is a certificate or more of a legal document?

3 Answers

  • TK
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You will receive your deed at the closing and it will be recorded with your registry of deeds. Please file a declaration of homestead to protect your equity and buy an owners' policy of title insurance to ensure that you are protected from any uncorrected errors in the foreclosure process and other imatters which might cloud your title.

    Congratulations on your purchase. Good luck with home ownership!

  • 1 decade ago

    You should get everything that is specified in your contract. Hopefully, you included in the terms of your contract that you are to receive a deed (hopefully a warranty deed), a title insurance policy, and the keys at closing.

    The deed is necessary to complete a transfer. Forking over the purchase price, without receiving the deed in return, is like paying for a used car from a private party, with assurances from the seller that you will get the car & the title sometime next week.

  • 1 decade ago

    At closing you will receive a copy of the deed at closing and will get the original after it's recorded. You should also recieve your title insurance policy. Also, keys to the home.


    Source(s): I'm a Realtor
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