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my truck keeps shutting off when at stop sign and i don't know why?

2004 ford ranger - as long as i am driving its ok, but when i slow down to like idle speed it shuts off totally and if i wait 5 minutes i can drive it again for a mile or so until i slow down again - it cut off 5 times yesterday and i waited the 5 min each time and was able to get home. am scared to drive it anywhere now. even to the dealer to get fixed- it has a the transmission fluid reservoir that was loose a their was fluid all over the inside of the hood - could that have something to do with it shutting off? i will check the level tomorow. please help!


ok, change the scenario to steering fluid, not transmission fluid, apparently the cap for the steering fluid reservior was loose and sprayed red liquid all over the hood - it was dark and i thought it was transmission fluidm but i was wrong - could this cause truck engine to cut out/stall?

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I never saw a Ford Ranger that had a transmission fluid reservoir in the engine compartment, that is strange. If your truck is shutting down when you get down to curb idle speed, I would check the idle air intake sensor and the 02 sensors. As far as , fluid being blown all over your hood, it makes sense that something is getting hot and shutting down. What doesn't make sense is that after 5 minutes it was cool enough to start and drive home not once but 5 times, you are either extremely lucky or the problem isn't as big as you think.

  • 1 decade ago

    if the fluid is blowing all over the place under the hood can make it shut down because the fluid can get into the distributor, on the plugs and wires. if you got the fluid leak fixed have the engine steamed cleaned and dry out the distributor cap once you get done and dry off the plug wires too. i never heard of a transmission fluid reservoir. you must be thinking of a transmission line breaking because the transmission fluid is in the pan, torque converter, lines and the cooler on the radiator. maybe you blew the front seal in the transmission or a line broke.

  • 1 decade ago

    gee never heard of a transmission fluid reservoir, my guess is you are having major transmission issues, as well as a possible bad torque converter happening and you have a major ttransmissionleak somewhere, Its obvious you have not taken it to a mechanic, hmmm take it to a mechanic, it is not safe to drive. hope you have your triple aaa paid up

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