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why is green energy or clean technology anti business and anti american?

Thats all i hear nowadays is that "this hippie eco-agenda will destroy america and send the world into the stoneage"

if these conservatives are really pro-business, you'd think they'd WANT new technologies. if someone wants a clean fuel car they're going to buy that rather than a hummer or gas guzzler. thats more money being made as more cars like that are being sold.

why is this only the green energy area thats being so heavily condemmed? when new TV's replace old ones, or blu-ray replaced DVD that wasn't torn apart. just this

8 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The opposite is true - NOT investing in green energy will destroy America.

    Fossil based energy is finite - there is less and less oil and natural gas available, and getting it out of the ground is getting more and more difficult. Therefore fossil based fuel and energy is getting more and more expensive.

    Green energy on the other hand is infinite - there will always be more sun, more wind and more tides. So green energy will get cheaper and cheaper. Investing in these technologies now will give huge dividends later, when everyone switches to the cheaper alternative.

    Whats more, the emerging powers of India and China, with their billions of people who all want fridge-freezers and TVs, will need huge amounts of energy to supply them with. This can not be accommodated by fossil fuels.

    Now, do you want to hedge your future on a dying system, or on a growing one?

    (plus, you are buying most of your oil from the gulf states. Do you really want to give more and more money to the people who hate you most?)

    The world leaders in green energy technology are not American. They are European (Danish and German) and Chinese. They already have the advantage, and the market. They will be the next super powers.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think i need to clarify a few key points. First off, i don't think green energy or clean technology is anti-business. We've bartered and trades since pretty much forever. What the Green movement is against is CORPORATIONS..sorry, had to stress that point. The reason for it is that corporations put their financial motives before anything else. They are in the business to make money (the same can be said for businesses in general, but it will lead to my next point). Corporations have been given so much power over the years, that its hard to control them. Corporations act like a separate entity and can function on almost the same level as national governments. Take a look at the Exxon-Valdez spill. They were initially charged with paying 5 billion dollars in restitution and clean up costs, but because they were a powerful corporation, they stalled their way through court for close to 18 years before only paying 10 percentage of it, and the spill is still lingering, especially in the Pacific Northwest.

    Anyway, back to my point, businesses are so powerful, they act like separate forms of government, where their financial profits are put before the will of the people. They think of everything in terms what can make the most profit. If it cheaper to pay fines for polluting the air then to invest in clean technology, what do you think they're going to choose?

    Also, the current economy is stacked aganist small business, so its even harder for them to compete.

    Those are the reasons (and others) for why the Green Movement is aganist large businesses/corporations.

    Source(s): The corporation (the movie) Black Wave: The Legacy of Exxon Valdez (TV show)
  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago


    New technologies are more and more being developed in other areas, and not in the US. Even if a technology were produced in the US, chances are it would be a cheaper item to produce overseas in China. This is just the tip of the bigger iceberg. Sometimes technologies get bought up and actually put to use, such as variable valve timing that a few Japanese carmakers have used. Others, such as the NiMH battereis that went into the GM EV1 project get bought by one company, in this case GM bought a majority share of the technology from the inventor with exclusive rights that they would never be used in another motor vehicle. When GM scrapped out the EV1's, those rights and majority share of the battery company were then sold to an oil company. I believe it was Exxon Mobil.

    It may not be so much an issue of those new technologies being anti American, or job killers per se, it is those monied interests behind those technologies that make or break them. That is why a number of venture capital companies exist- to scout out prospective technologies and fund them to mature the company, and then that matured company gets bought out by someone else, either to control the market place, or to eliminate them as competition. That is one reason of many Microsoft got as big as they did- they bought out their competition. It was largely that same reason the US went into Iraq. To secure and shut down the oil exports of Saddam Hussein who was selling the oil on the open market forcing OPEC to keep prices down. Once ousted, crude oil prices jumped. .

    So until monied interests get control of certain technologies to the point they can control the price (as the DeBeers model for diamonds) you are going to be hard pressed to see widespread acceptance of new technolgies except by mere chance.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My dad being a business anylist says that companies cant be green because it is not the corporate lifestyle. Company Jets, limos, high rise buildings that use more power in a second than your town does in a week. They can live un green because they earn in an hour what you earn in a year.

    The Hummer looks cool, an executive like Mike Neil of General Electric wouldnt be caught dead inside a Prius. He needs his souped up hummer with a lift kit. Just as my dad drives a big truck and has a boat. Nobody wants to make a green car, in the business world you go down a level. It is all leftist. The man is telling you to be nice to the enviornment. Do you have to go out of your way to do it....


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The naysayers screwed up and invested their retirement funds in oil companies -- now they think we should all suffer so that their gambling in the stock market can pay off.... instead of really investing in the future and promoting the technologies that are coming (whether they like it, or not). So their stocks will go down, they won't switch their investments, and the rest of us will roll along without them at some point.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Its new money against old money. Oil companies have all the money. They don't want clean energies. They never did. The politicians work for the oil companies. They do as they are told and tell us whatever, or don't tell us. That is what I think. Green energies are the cheapest and the safest. They turn infinite things we already have into something we can use.

    You have the spirit, now people need a way to get green things going.

  • A Guy
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    More energy use makes more GDP. This is generally true the world over. People generally think more money makes more happiness, freedom, etc; so any limits on energy use will ruin our growth-based economy.

  • CF_
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    the problem is so many big wigs have their money in non-green technology they dont want YOU to switch because they will loose billions..

    dont worry about them.. I dont think the economy will suffer but even if it did I would rather live in a shitty economy than drink shitty water.

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