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britjayhawk0405 asked in PetsHorses · 1 decade ago

Conformation critique & breed speculation, please (pic included)?

((I am having the worst time getting this question to actually appear in the section and/or have the image link actually work. Major apologies if this ends up double-posted.))

My trainer got a new horse in for me to ride. He's very green, but really fun and so sweet. It sounds like he came from a bit of a shady background, or at best some people who just didn't understand that he hated the jobs they were having him do (barrel racing, then endurance races). That and couldn't keep weight on him, as the lady who now owns him and is leasing to my trainer had to take a year to get him back up to weight, I'm told.

He's now learning about indoor arenas, balancing a rider around corners, and carrying a rider over a small line of fences. He's a little sensitive, but has a good brain and tries hard.

This is just a quick picture snapped with a phone after my lesson/his bath, so sorry he is not stood up squarely, but any comments on his conformation? I have my own guesses, but I like hearing others' input to sharpen my eye.

He looks rather warmblood-y to me, but he doesn't have a brand and I'm doubtful someone would have grabbed a WB and had their first thought be "barrel racer!" I'm guessing on a stocky TB or a larger QH, or some mix of the two/three/something else. And theories (and why)?

Thanks everyone!

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    He has high whithers, lack of topline and a small neck. It looks like he has a slight turn out in the back.

    He doesn't look warmblood at all. MAYBE if you were lucky a badly bred Hanno.

    He looks like a typical Thoroughbred, not a stocky one at all. TB's come in all sizes and shapes.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    She is in basic terms too youthful, her advantageous properties have not improved yet. every physique can say rottie or doberman on the grounds that she has those markings, yet who is familiar with, wait some weeks. Why no longer ask the individuals who bred her? Did you breed her? then you definately could know the main suitable option =)

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