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Can Play Station 2 games work on the Wii?

Has anyone played Gauntlet on Wii?


Thanks you guys! That would be awesome if it worked though. I would play Gauntlet and Capcom and XMen

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sorry but most of the answers previous to mine are from complete idiots. No DUH: PS2 games won't work on the Wii, it will not play games from a competing company, in other words: Sony.

    But I do have positive news for you: The Wii can play some games that belong to a company that used to compete with Nintendo, a.k.a. Sega. What it can do is use Shopping points to purchase and download past titles ranging from: SNES, NES, Sega Genesis, Nintendo 64, even games from Wii-Ware. and the list goes on, not quite till the Gamecube though. Just a little thing though: It does update itself, so it generally does more of it's more prestige games, but the list is growing.

    In regards to the statement of the Wii unable to play DVDs is due to the limited hardware, but the Wii does have Netflix and it does work, very well in-fact. It just looks great. I must say I am not sure if there is a Wii out there that can currently play DVDs without modifying it. And by modifying it I mean adding a Channel known as Homebrew which Nintendo classifies as illegal. Sorry.

    Oh, and I forgot to mention that Capcom, and others except maybe Tekken, can be played on the Wii.

    Example: Capcom vs Tatsunoko.

    Here's a review of the game:

    PS Sorry but this video and the version of video player they use is a tad slow when compared to something like Youtube.

    PSS This is a Nintendo Wii title only.

    Source(s): Direct Conversation with Nintendo Represenatives Scrolling on Forums related to Nintendo Personal Experience
  • 1 decade ago

    Unfortunately the Wii cannot play PlayStation 2 disks. However, the Wii is backwards compatible with all GameCube disks. If you were to pick up a GameCube copy of Gauntlet: Dark Legacy you could enjoy that in your Wii. You can find a used copy here:

    Many of the old games you used to enjoy on your PlayStation 2 may have also been released on the GameCube platform you should browse around and see. Most of these titles can be found at greatly reduced costs due to the fact that the GameCube platform was discontinued a few years back.

  • 1 decade ago

    Sony and Nintendo are completely different companies that make completely different platforms, so no. The only other games that will go in a Wii besides Wii games are Gamecube games.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Wii is only compatible with Wii game discs, and GameCube Game Discs. No DVD, Blu-Ray, CD, Xbox, Playstation, or any other kind of game disc is compatible.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope, I am sorry but it doesnt. The Wii, although fun, is very picky. It doesnt take any other games and it doesnt even play dvds. :(

    Source(s): have a wii and a ps2... ive tried
  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    They're completely different gaming formats so they won't work. Sucks eh?

  • 1 decade ago

    NOOO DONT PUT A PS2 DISC IN THERE! (thats what she said)

  • 1 decade ago


  • 8 years ago

    no it could destroy your wii

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