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doug4jets asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 1 decade ago

How Many Unarmed Aid Workers Will The IDF Exterminate Today?

I'm guessing none, they're not allowed to kill "self-hating Jews" but lowly Gentiles or **gasp** Muslims would be squashed like ants. Even an American, right (Furkan Dogan)? What's your guess? And will any cookies and flour get into Palestine or will they be eaten by dock workers in Ashdod?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Apparently Israeli hit squads are seeking out ignorant nerds asking foolish questions in internet websites like this one - so it's a good time to lie low.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It depends more the actions of those on board rather than the IDF. Keep in mind that NO ONE from the non-violent ships died as a result, since they didn't try to attack the soldiers enforcing the blockade.

    If the crew of this ship is truthful, then no one will die. If they are unarmed, then they won't attack and the result will be that no one dies.

    Oh, and many non-Jews serve in the IDF. The IDF isn't allowed to kill anyone, Jew or Gentile (who aren't lowly in the IDF eyes, btw) unless certain conditions are met. These are pretty much the same for any soldier anywhere in the world. The IDF exists to protect Israel, not to kill them.

    The aid will probably find it's way into Gaza. Israel did offer the aid confiscated from the other flotillas to them; however, it was Hamas who refused the aid.

  • 1 decade ago


    Israels treatment of Palestinians so exactly mirrors the treatment of the American indian that one can almost draw a time line for the Bantu-stan ization of these brave people,

    In 150 years they will have reservations of their own.

    The only difference is education--

    Educate Ourselves...


    That WE spread the word. And we too demand the summation of the world consensus that these people be allowed to live ---

    simply that--- to live--- at the minimum\

    To live

    Free from MANIACAL Persecution.

    Israel is a wholly Parasitical state,

    Dependent on America. If YOU say that they are no Longer running things, then they will no longer be running them. Every square foot of " settlements" YOU Pay for.

    If you want this horror TO END--- THEN STOP SUPPORTING IT..

    Fight that future.

    >>Will M

  • I don't think they will get it in, but have to say this they must be not using small boats its a bad time of year for having a small boat in the Med I know that much from my history of ancient sea warfare in the med.

    After seeing some of the things that go missing at Israels customs that are not illegal and been shipped in by Israeli companies even I am surprised no Business man has gone on a shooting rampage at the customs office. I was talking to a friend who has a company in Tel Aviv and he has had 40,000 dollars worth of machinery go walkabouts from port to his plant over the last four years.

  • 1 decade ago

    Hopefully they are actually unarmed.

    And whether they think the blockade is illegal is not the question. The blockade is there and they are coming against the Israeli govt & army so should not be surprised if force is used.

    The US had a blockade on Cuba and they enforced it no matter what others thought..

    The Gaza is not really in need of aid as they want you to think..


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