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Indian people and cows?

I am curious to know why if Indian ( people from India) worship cows and refuse to eat cow why is it they come here to America and have no problem owning a fast food restaurant that serves hamburgers and other meats made from cows? Is this not being a hypocrite? I ask as I work at a Mr. Hero here in Cleveland and the owners are Indian and I did not think that they believed in eating cows. I mean no disrespect with my question I am honestly curious as to the answer.


Lala I am not assuming they are Indian I know they are as they have told me that they are.

I just do not see how selling the cow meat is being true to your religion if it reveres the cow and considers it holy. That would be like a christian selling off pieces of Jesus flesh to be eaten.

Update 2:

Soni I honestly mean no disrespect to your culture or people I was genuinely curious as to how this was. I appreciate your explaining it as it does now make sense.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your referring to Hindus. As I had a cheeseburger last week.LOL

    It does look quite foolish but if you look at it's orgins you'll see where it started. You see cow worship can be found in all ancient white religions everywhere from the Phoenicians to the Greeks to the Romans. They were the ones who created this belief as it was not the original Indians who did.

    To this day the cow is the symbol of this nation as whites still asteam it highly. They stopped eating beef when in India and now eat it and the Indians are left looking stupid as if they were the ones who created it! LOL They didn't.

    Source(s): Studied it
  • 1 decade ago

    The elevated status that Indians have for cows is because the cow was revered because the largely pastoral Vedic people and subsequent generations relied heavily on it for dairy products and for tilling the fields, and on cow dung as a source of fuel, fertilizer, and psilocybin mushrooms which naturally grow out of the animal's own excrement. Universally, Hindus still use cow dung for various purposes; the burning of cow dung creates an insecticide to repel mosquitoes, and ash formed from cow dung is used as a fertilizer.

    Due to what it provided them they seen it as holy and something to hold high respect for

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    let me try and answer your question in the politest manner. Contrary to popular belief, Hindus have ONE God. But we have many different forms and versions of God (in the thousands). Some of these versions are male, some female.

    We don't eat cows because God has forbid us to eat it. We consider it holy because Cows provide humans with nourishment and milk. Why would we want to kill and eat something that provides us with a basic beverage like Milk?

    Another reason (this one if more religious myth) is because we are told that once we die, our soul begins its journey to heaven or hell. In order for our soul to get there, our soul must cross a river (Baternee river)...and people who have committed many many sins in life can't cross this river to get to heaven. They drown supposedly. But people with good karma and no sins (or very little sins) can only cross the river with the help of a Cow, who helps their soul cross safely. I know this sounds completely absurd, but its a very old religion and not everyone believes this myth.

    I hope you can see why a cow would be considered holy to us.

    But just so you know, not many Hindus believe in this and often eat beef. Just as some rules are outdated, some religious views such as this is outdated as well. I am hindu and I love meatloaf and ground beef!! Yummy :)

    Source(s): Dont worry no disrespect/offence was taken lol
  • 4 years ago

    A LKG writes IAS. a real educationist ought to take the practise ministry submit. yet, a baby-kisser who does not understand approximately practise provided submit. then, the outcomes would be like this in basic terms. the lecturers are limited to no longer use harsh words, no anger ought to come, a comfortable approach inspite of a low profile student and so on.,there is only no longer strictness, then there is only no longer discipline. the place there is not any discipline, the lecturers are no longer respected. the lecturers coach instructions for call sake and produces scholars like above one.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not Indian people, it's just Hindus. They might not have been Hindu, there is a large Muslim minority in India. Also they might not have been Indian, don't just assume these things.

    Some Hindus DO eat beef, just like some Jews eat pork and aren't kosher. It's just meat, so some don't see it as a big deal.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not all INDIANS. It's HINDUS. You have to keep in mind that India is a diverse country with many different religions, languages, cultures, and customs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's not hypocritical to not eat cow while still selling it.

    What would be hypocritical is to protest against cow meat and still eat it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because shrooms grow in cow doody

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's low. Fail

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Oh wow... I never even thought of that...good question.

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