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When the Pope warned about Aggressive Secularism in his recent visits to Britain and Spain,was he actually ...?

...expressing Aggressive Christianity?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Considering that in the UK taxpayers' money is STILL used to fund segregated Catholic schools, he's really referring to aggressive objection to such favouritism and state support for his religion.

    Secularism is about freedom of belief but not favouritism or state promotion of it. He seems to object to that promotion and special pleading being stopped, and that people like me should have to continue compulsorily funding his religion even though I'm not a believer and very much object to that. I have no objection whatsoever to his religion existing at a voluntary level, only of compulsion.

    So yes.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Not exactly. The 'aggressive secularism' he talked about doesn't exist over here, people just don't care about religion as much as they used too (that should have been apparent by the lack of people who attended the mass, considering it's not happened here for decades). As usual the christian mentality is to play the victim card, as if their beliefs are being attacked by some sort of collective group/force. When like I say in reality, it's just that less and less people care.

    Christians feel the need to be the most dominant force in every particular place where their religion is considered a 'state religion'. Whilst I don't think he was promoting aggressive christianity, I think he was implying that there needs to be an equal force on the side of christianity to preserve their presence in society, simply based on the notion that 'it's traditional' rather than accepting that their beliefs are becoming less and less relevant in progressive societies.

  • 1 decade ago

    Pretty much. The pope doesn't realise that the "persecution" of Christians is in actual fact Christians being treated like everyone else.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe according to liberal standards.

    But give the guy credit, his speaking out against giving condoms to Africa was spot on. That act will cause the death toll to double. You guys heard about that, right?

  • Mike K
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    No, he was just stating what many Christians and other faiths are thinking that too much greed, selfishness and materialism are replacing our values and goals with respect to our spiritual life.


    Michael Kelly

  • No. Words don't usually hurt anyone unless they advocate violence & he wasn't doing that - he was trying to make out that anyone who criticizes his authority must be bad. Politicians can handle it why can't he?

  • 1 decade ago

    No, just talking crap.

    Like usual.

    He should get his own house in order before lecturing other nations on the evils of church/state separation and religious pluralism.

    Oh noes! Pluralism!!!

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