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how would I print rational numbers in C++?

I just need to define printRational() and printRationalAsDouble()

everything else seems to work just fine......not sure how to print a fraction though

here is what I got so far.......

#ifndef RATIONAL_H

#define RATIONAL_H


using std::ostream;


using std::istream;



class Rational{


rational(int num, int den);

rational(int num);


int getnum();

int getden();

void input(istream& in);

void output(ostream& out);

bool less(Rational r);

Rational neg();

Rational addition(Rational r);

Rational subtraction(Rational r);

Rational multiplication(Rational r);

Rational division(Rational r);


int numer;

int denom;


#include "Rational.h"

#include <iostream>

#include <cmath>

using namespace std;

int Rational::getnum()


return numer;


int Rational::getden()


return denom;


Rational::rational(int num, int den)


numer = num;

denom = den;


Rational::rational(int num)


numer = num;

denom = 1;




numer = 1;

denom = 1;


Rational::rational addition(Rational r)


Rational l;

int a = l.getnum();

int b = l.getden();

int c = r.getnum();

int d = r.getden();

Rational result = ((a * d + b * c) / (b * d));

return result;


Rational::rational subtraction(Rational r)


Rational l;

int a = l.getnum();

int b = l.getden();

int c = r.getnum();

int d = r.getden();

Rational result = ((a * d - b * c) / (b * d));

return result;


Rational::rational multiplication(Rational r)


Rational l;

int a = l.getnum();

int b = l.getden();

int c = r.getnum();

int d = r.getden();

Rational result = ((a * b) / (c * d));

return result;


Rational::rational division(Rational r, Rational l)


int a = l.getnum();

int b = l.getden();

int c = r.getnum();

int d = r.getden();

Rational result = ((a * d) / (c * b));

return result;


bool Rational::less(Rational r)


Rational l;

int a = l.getnum();

int b = l.getden();

int c = r.getnum();

int d = r.getden();

if ((a * d)<(c * b))

return true;


return false;


void Rational::input(istream& in)


int numer;

int denom;

char slash;

in >> numer >> slash >> denom;



void Rational::output(ostream& out)




this is my tester

#include "Rational.h" // include definition of class Rational

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()


Rational c( 2, 6 ), d( 7, 8 ), x; // creates three rational objects

c.printRational(); // prints rational object c

cout << " + ";

d.printRational(); // prints rational object d

x = c.addition( d ); // adds object c and d; sets the value to x

cout << " = ";

x.printRational(); // prints rational object x

cout << '\n';

x.printRational(); // prints rational object x

cout << " = ";

x.printRationalAsDouble(); // prints rational object x as double

cout << "\n\n";

c.printRational(); // prints rational object c

cout << " - ";

d.printRational(); // prints rational object d

x = c.subtraction( d ); // subtracts object c and d

cout << " = ";

x.printRational(); // prints rational object x

cout << '\n';

x.printRational(); // prints rational object x

cout << " = ";

x.printRationalAsDouble(); // prints rational object x as double

cout << "\n\n";

c.printRational(); // prints rational object c

cout << " x ";

d.printRational(); // prints rational object d

x = c.multiplication( d ); // multiplies object c and d

cout << " = ";

x.printRational(); // prints rational object x

cout << '\n';

x.printRational(); // prints rational object x

cout << " = ";

x.printRationalAsDouble(); // prints rational object x as double

cout << "\n\n";

c.printRational(); // prints rational object c

cout << " / ";

d.printRational(); // prints rational object d

x = c.division( d ); // divides object c and d

cout << " = ";

x.printRational(); // prints rational object x

cout << '\n';

x.printRational(); // prints rational object x

cout << " = ";

x.printRationalAsDouble(); // prints rational object x as double

cout << endl;


return 0;

} // end main


this is what i want it to print

toRational() = 1/3 - 7/8 = -13/2

RationalToDouble() = -13/24 = -0.541667

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You already have the fraction form written. Just call r.output(cout) to display a Rational r on cout. As in:

    Rational a(1,3), b(7,8);

    cout << "toRational() = ";


    cout << " - ";


    cout << " = ";


    cout << endl;

    If you want to convert to double, use something like:

    double RationalToDouble(Rational r)


    return (double)r.getnum / r.getden();


    ...though this should really be a method of the Rational class.

    Have fun. C++ isn't the best language to learn object programming. The C-style separation of declaration and definition has some advantages for large and complicated classes, but it can be confusing at the beginning to have to look back-and-forth to find the different pieces of the class.

  • 1 decade ago

    Something along these lines:

    cout << numer << '/' << denom;

    But I can't see how you'd use doubles. If the value is a rational number, how would you have fractional values in numer and denom? That would be like 2.5/7.345. Doesn't make sense.

    Hope that helps.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I was going to suggest printf %f, but I guess you want them as a fraction. You'd have to convert to a fraction by shifting decimal points, then factorize to reduce to the simplest form.

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