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Would you say that the stigma of being called a " race traitor"?

applies more to women..than to men?

I never even heard of the term " race traitor" till a just a few years back. I was watching a video on Youtube about a girl who likes asian guys ( she was white) and she brought up the term " race traitor".. I have seen other women who have said they were also called race traitors because they liked men from other races? but it seems to me that this stigma doesnt apply as heavily to men. If a man dates interracially is it seen as more " cool" than if a woman does it?

I'm not saying this is 100 percent true... I am just talking about my own observations.. I would like the opinion of others please.



Oh my no...I am white as far as I know. Aoi is just a nickname I like it coz its real name is Katrina.

see? ( sorry the pic is fuzzy. craptastic camera XD ) you too Igor XP ( sticks up middle finger)

Update 2:

Wir Sind Weider Da....Im sorry...but I really don't care too much. I personally am just not attracted to the men of my race. I have my reasons and most of them have to do with abuse of some kind....but I do not fault those who are. I do not feel I should be made to settle with a man I would not be in love or even be attracted too with just to preserve the notion of racial purity.

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I personally apply the term to both genders.

    The reason it is more often applied to women is that they are the child bearers. Women are the ones who bring children into the world so in essence they are the ones who control the population of a particular race. If a woman is with a man of another races, she is contributing to the decline of her race.

    Source(s): 14 words
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I think it's equally bad for a man to be a race traitor. White people need to stay with their own race. I live by the 14 words: "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children". If you care about the future of the white race you shouldn't mix with other races.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People (usually picky and racist people) use the term "race traitor" towards others who would date outside of their race. Idk why they have ann issue with it though. We're all human, but obviously they can't see that, otherwise they wouldn't even call us race traitors. No one can help who they fall in love with, it's usually like a mystery.

    Source(s): I'm dating a diff race than myself. I've kinda dated my own though. I just date whoever i start "liking". I honestly think people who view interracial daters as "race traitors", should go back to biology class and study human anotomy some more. They probably failed biology in high school, lol. We are all meant to date with whatever race we want and mate with whatever race we want. It's not like only certain races are human.
  • 1 decade ago

    I've only heard it applied to men aloud. Although alot of middle eastern men that i've spoken with feel the way Subtropical zone does. Honestly who cares what has race ever done for me? Love who you love.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "race traitor" is an American term to keep Blacks and Whites from dating one another... wait, it was originally used by White men to keep White women away from Black men and vice versa, then Black guys used it to keep Black women from White men (like that was hard!), and the rest is history. Its stupid. I don't care who anyone dates, as long as Black and White American guys stay away from me.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Lol some people are just racist, Race traitor wtf. I'm Asian and i don't care if an Asian girl goes out with a white Guy or Black Guy, Black guy is kind of Gross though. People saying that either Jealous or Ignorant, forget them date whatever guy you like as long as hes a good guy.

    Aoi Cha your Vietnamese aren't you, good luck my little girl.

    Source(s): I've dated and been attracted to all races, but not really black yet.
  • 5 years ago

    in case you will possibly teach your self many don't only like the ridiculous laptop names given. i understand of no American Indians who desire to be mentioned as community individuals. We ar American Indians and hate the laptop term. additionally i understand of many Black individuals who refuse to place African American and write in different the observe lack. To many racist like the illegals whining racism and assigning the words to themselves.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    of course it does. no man will OPENLY ADMIT THIS to woman, but ALL of us view you as property. for you to venture outside your own, is one of the highest betrayals. as far as we're concerned, you're property and at the very least, obligated to your own.

    this is what MOST MEN think. don't care how you feel about it, personally, it's the truth.

    Source(s): reality.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    all guys in general refer to women as their property weather they realize it or not

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