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What are ten things about the United States that most Brits should know, but don't?

Along the way, explain the difference between a constitutional monarchy and a federal republic, emphasize how much longer distances are in the US than the UK, and stress that the America that most Brits see on TV is not the America that most average Americans live in between the two coasts...


Posters on both sides of the Atlantic please confine your answers to just the facts. Neither side should stoop to jingoistic or patronizing answers,nor should they state the obvious--American potatoes come from Idaho, British potatoes come from Ireland.

Update 2:

Ah, stereotypes! It's possible to live in the USA without 'scary" presumably capped teeth and guns. BTW, I'm a native Texan, and I don't own a gun, nor did I grow up in a household where my dad owned a gun.

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Evelyn, as you can see, asking people to avoid jingoistic, patronizing, chauvinistic answers in response to a question like this is a lost cause.

    Nice try, though.

    The only answer I'll give is that we are an extremely heterogeneous nation of over 300,000,000. We do not all think alike or have the same levels of education or experience with the rest of the world. It is impossible to characterize "Americans" with sweeping or blanket statements. Just as the British don't like to be told that they all have "bad teeth" or are all "English" or all speak with posh accents, Americans don't appreciate being told that they are all this or that, because they are not. A little recognition of our great diversity in all areas wouldn't come amiss.

  • S
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    1. That Americans are full of unreasoning self confidence.

    2. That Americans find it hard to get on with others, even their closest neighboUrs

    3. That Americans think a room without a bath is a bathroom and that they don't know how to spell loo

    4. That America is like the girlfriend that the British wish they broke up with, but still she keeps hangin' around..

    5. Americans smell like Corn Dogs.

    6. America believes it has the best athletes, singers, actors, intellectuals... ...and yet mysteriously doesn't win all the Olympic medals, Emmys, Grammys, Oscars or Nobel Prizes.

    7. That American don't realise that potatoes can come from Ireland AND Idaho.

    8. That Americans don't realise that separating the head of state from the head of government makes the job of head of government a hell of a lot easier.

    9. That if america=united states so u can just call it america then Canadians and Mexicans and many other countries should have the same rights to reside in the US as do US citizens.

    10. That america kicks ***, even when it's a really really bad idea.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. That most Americans know that British is not the same thing as royalty.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You presume too much, you believe that there are as many as ten things that the British do not know about u.s.a.

  • 1 decade ago

    My dear Evie, you are asking quite a lot. Now, as it is almost Christmas, and one is busily preparing to ready oneself to spend the Yuletide holidays with our wonderful Royal Family at Sandringham, one is hoping you will understand that yours truly is not quite in a position to answer your query in full.

    However, suffice to say that one has always felt that George Bernard Shaw's old adage of Great Britain and the United States being two countries separated by a common language to be quite apt. Now, I shall mention your name to Her Majesty The Queen in personal recognition of the fact that you are one of the foremost contributors to this wonderful section. Keep it up dear girl!

  • 1 decade ago

    1. that americans are way more awesome than brits

    2. we have the most annoying neighbors to the north and south

    3. its called a bathroom not the loo

    4. america is like that girlfriend the brits wish they broke up with

    5. americans smell like peaches and cream

    6. america has best athletes, singers, actors, intellectuals...

    7. potatoes come from idaho not ireland

    8. you don't need a queen if the queen doesn't really do anything

    9. america=united states so u can just call it america

    10. america kicks ***

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Who really gives a monkey's we had history centuries before your country was discovered, we gave a lot to the world,far too many to list.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It would be nice if they knew that they are stepping out of a timecapsule into the 16th century where the population is puritan but highly sexed and overdrugged.

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