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Why is Evolution wrong?

22 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    All the evidence discredits evolution.

    Starting with Darwin, himself, he proposed an idea that was NOT based on any kind of scientific research.

    He simply decided that the cell was the smallest part of a living thing, and that extreme external stimuli can change the function of a cell while it is still within the mother's womb.

    He knew absolutely nothing at all about the internal components of the cell, such as the nucleus, the mitochondria, proteins, protein synthesis, DNA, RNA, etc.

    Anybody who knows anything at all about logic can tell you that if you begin with a false premise, your conclusion will also be false.

    Since then, pseudo-scientists with an agenda have built upon this unprovable theory as though it were fact, and now they have a house of cards that fall apart at the slightest breeze!

    First, the contents of the cell are all inter-dependent. What this means is that in order for the mitochondria, for instance, to survive, the DNA must be in place; but in order for the DNA to survive, the nucleus must be in place; but in order for the nucleus to survive, the mitochondria must be in place, etc.

    When scientists carefully removed any one component using microscopic tweezers, the rest of the components immediately disintegrated within a fraction of a second.

    This means that the mitochondria can not simply develop (or evolve) over time, because the DNA can not exist with out it; but at the same time, the DNA can not develop over time, because the mitochondria can not exist with out THAT, either! All the components of the cell must come into existence within fractions of a second of each other for the cell to survive! This clearly precludes evolution over time!

    NEXT, for evolution to even transpire, there must be a "simple life form" from which all other life forms can evolve from.

    There's one major problem here: There is no such thing as a "simple life form"! Even the very simplest, single-celled protozoa has the same complexity level of any cell in an atheist mocker's body, containing, proteins, mitochondria, a nucleus, RNA, DNA, etc.

    Now IF evolution were true, then I MUST conclude that the atheist mocker is a simple life form which hasn't evolved any brains yet, since the complexity level in the atheist mocker is on the same scale as that of the amoeba!

    Next, we have the fossil records, which show ALL life forms suddenly appearing in the same strata, with no "simpler" forms leading up to the complex life forms. This is written in stone! There simply are no "simple" life forms. All the complex and various life forms represented by these fossils all exist in the same level!

    NEXT, we have all these alleged pre-human skeletons. Talk about an agenda! These have ALL been proven to be falsified!

    One such skeleton was built up from the tooth of a boar - a WILD PIG! And yet another was a combination of a jaw bone of a gorilla attached to the skull of a human to create a new creature that never actually existed in nature! And yet another such skeleton was built up from bones that had been collected over a 100-mile radius! And the most embarrassing one was actually planted in advance so as to be discovered later!

    Talk about unscientific! If TRUE science had depended on THIS kind of fraudulence, we would still be living in the dark ages, living in caves and herding goats for a living!

    I would like to invite the atheist mockers to leave your cave-man, bronze-aged, goat-herder myths, and join us here in the 21st century, where TRUE science is debunking the myth of evolution at every new discovery!

    Evolution has got to be THE biggest fraud ever! And when asked, atheist mockers use smoke-and-mirrors, and slight-of-hand to change the subject and back peddle! Rather than facing the facts, they attack the person presenting them! They are totally dishonest, and in the words of the outspoken atheist, Dr. Flew, they are committing "intellectual suicide" by believing this lie called "evil-ution"!

  • 1 decade ago

    There's no proof that it's wrong, but if you like to think logically and know the reason for things, then that's when you think evolution is correct. But if you believe in God, then you're supposed to believe that HE is the creator of all things, not evolution.

  • It's not wrong if the best you can come up with in your postings here on Y!A is The Evolution Handbook by Vance Ferrell, which is the stupidest creationist book ever written.


    But there are those who are trying awfully hard to reach your level.

    >>"Darwin... proposed an idea that was NOT based on any kind of scientific research."

    Bullcrap! Darwin based his idea on his observations of the similarities and differences among species in different environments.

    >>"He simply decided that the cell was the smallest part of a living thing...He knew absolutely nothing at all about the internal components of the cell...[I]f you begin with a false premise, your conclusion will also be false."

    The only occurrence of the word word "cell" in Darwin's book is in relation to honeycomb cells. He never mentions body cells. The responder has manufactured an argument that is totally irrelevant.

    >>"This means that the mitochondria can not simply develop (or evolve) over time, because the DNA can not exist with out it..."

    Not all cells have mitochondria. Bacterial cells do not have it. In fact, the evidence indicates that the mitochondria in cells is the result of one type of one-celled organisim having been absorbed by and living symbiotically within another type of one-celled organism, which resulted in the first eukaryotic cells.

    >>"Next, we have the fossil records, which show ALL life forms suddenly appearing in the same strata, with no "simpler" forms leading up to the complex life forms."

    Bullcrap!!! There is a long history of earlier life forms prior to the Cambrian. In the earliest part of the pre-Cambrian they were single-celled, and in the latter part of that time primitive, simple multi-celled organisms appeared. During the Cambrian, most likely because of improvements in genetic modifications of body plans, those early multi-cellular life forms radiated into several new body plans, which we call phyla. But all of the representatives of the phyla that existed in the Cambrian were very primitive forms, and most of them were quite unlike anything existing today. There were no mammals, reptiles, birds, amphibians, or teleost fish, nor any other advanced life forms anywhere to be found in the Cambrian.

    >>"NEXT, we have all these alleged pre-human skeletons. Talk about an agenda! These have ALL been proven to be falsified! One such skeleton was built up from the tooth of a boar - a WILD PIG! And yet another was a combination of a jaw bone of a gorilla attached to the skull of a human to create a new creature that never actually existed in nature!"

    The tooth was supposed to have been Nebraska man, which was found in 1922 (some of the teeth of pigs are very similar to the corresponding human teeth). But that was not the result of falsification. It was a mistake in identification, and was quickly corrected, but not before a newspaper blew it way out of proportion with an overblown illustration. Concerning that illustration, the finder of the tooth, Henry Fairfield Osborn, said it was "a figment of the imagination of no scientific value, and undoubtedly inaccurate".

    The skull and jaw was Piltdown man, which was found in1912, and is the only find that was a fraud. In fact, many scientists considered Piltdown Man to be questionable, and evolutionary scientists eventually used carbon 14 dating and determined it to be a fake (carbon 14? Don't creationists say carbon 14 dating is unreliable?).

    The responder never gives further information about the other examples, so I don't know what he is talking about. I have no doubt that he doesn't either.

    The responder always totally ignores all of the other, large number of finds that support human evolution, such as these:

    And this.

    So the only thing wrong with evolution is the inability of creationists to take an honest look at the evidence for it instead of resorting to misrepresentations, falsehoods, and outright lies in their attempts to refute it.

  • 1 decade ago

    It has to be wrong, or people who believe that some hypothetical creator deity made humans by special godly magic, and in the image of that hypothetical deity, will have their egos bruised. If it were true, they couldn't feel that warm, lovely and imaginary specialness they have become so emotionally attached to.



    John Popelish

  • 1 decade ago

    Evolution happens to be a proven fact. Sorry.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not wrong. It's only misunderstood, often intentionally misunderstood, by religious zealots whose religious myths look even more like myths in the face of scientific facts.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because evolution didn't happen, it isn't true science. There are many other false teachings in other areas also, such as a literal burning hell fire which also misleads people into misunderstanding God's purpose for the earth and misrepresents what the Bible really means.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because you don't know what's evolution.

  • 1 decade ago

    Because for some people religious and political agendas override Scientific standards.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is based on the geological column and is subjective dating !!! Change the dates to suit the theory of evolution !!! It is unscientific !!!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It is based on gravity.


    Stephen Hawking

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