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Why do Philly fans get so offended when people say they hate Michael Vick?

I mean seriously NFL fans hate players for so much less. Philly fans would tell you how much they hate Tom Brady or how much they hate Eli Manning or Tony Romo. My guess is their reasoning for "hating" those players is much less justified then why people hate Michael Vick. Fact is the guy killed dogs and I think that is a pretty good reason to hate a guy.

13 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    A bit of what Michael Vick did, And I GUARANTEE that it's just the tip of the Iceberg:

    "In mid-April of 2007, Vick, Peace and Phillips hung approximately three dogs who did not perform well in a "rolling session," which indicates the readiness of a dog to fight. According to the report, the three men hung the dogs "by placing a nylon cord over a 2 X 4 that was nailed to two trees located next to the big shed. They also drowned approximately three dogs by putting the dogs' heads in a five gallon bucket of water."

    Vick initially told authorities "while he assisted Phillips and Peace in the killing of the dogs, he did not actually kill the dogs," but "helped Phillips toss several dogs to the side," according to the report.

    However, the report says Vick took back that statement when he failed a polygraph test. "Vick failed the examination as it related to the killing of the dogs in April 2007. Ultimately, Vick recanted his previous statement wherein he said he was not actually involved in the killing of six to eight dogs. ... Vick admitted taking part in the actual hanging of the dogs."

    Yea that is all fact! And Michael Vick serves a year and a half at a country club(minimum security)?

    That's enough to make me sick, especially when you consider Plaxico Burress will serve a FULL 2 year sentence for shooting himself in the leg with his own gun! Oh but wait the gun wasn't registered... Grab your lynches!!!!

    The fact of the matter is this: MICHAEL VICK IS A BAD PERSON. No decent person would value the life of a dog or any living thing so little. He should have served at least 10 years in a real prison and been barred from ever playing in the NFL again. Period. He got the break on the merit that he makes money for the NFL, so they can't throw him aside like that. Think of all the money they would miss out on!!!! Can't let that happen! Anybody who didn't have a lot of money or make a lot of money for an organization that has alot of money would've been crucified for what Michael Vick did, but because of who he is he gets the break of a lifetime and that should make any decent person with any real values ABSOLUTELY CRINGE!

    And don't buy into that whole, saved by jesus he's a changed man BS. That's the hand that every murderer, rapist, child molester, generally bad person plays. It's BS and if you buy that, you're retarded. People like that don't change. MICHAEL VICK IS A BAD PERSON, RIGHT DOWN TO HIS COLD BLACK SOUL AND I HOPE SOMEONE BREAKS HIS NECK! THAT! WOULD BE JUSTICE! OR HANG HIM LIKE HE HANGED THOSE DOGS. F**K MICHAEL VICK FOR WHO HE IS, AND F**K THE NFL FOR ALLOWING HIM TO CONTINUE TO MAKE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS

    P.S. in referring to Mike Vick's "cold black soul". I, in no way, mean black because he is in fact black. Don't want this turning into a race thing. It don't matter if he was the whitest guy on Earth, or any other race. He still has a cold black soul as far as I am concerned.

    P.S.S. He did it to make some money. What you didn't have enough money already? You F***ing W**re??!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    It's not just Eagles fans who get "offended." I really don't care about the Eagles or Michael Vick, but I always pause when people talk negatively about Vick and I get tired of hearing them harp on it for a whole bunch of reasons. Some of them:

    1) "Fact is the guy killed dogs and I think that is a pretty good reason to hate a guy."

    Honestly? I don't get why this inspires so much hate. Clearly, people who hate the Mannings, Romo, Brady, etc, hate them for game-related reasons. This is not so with Vick; probably no one would hate Vick if it weren't allegedly for the "killing dogs" stuff except for fans of rival teams. And to be clear, I think killing dogs and being involved in dogfighting is insane. But I am also not an animal lover at all--animals creep me out. I don't understand people who love dogs or act as if a person has been killed when talking about what Vick did. It's dramatic to me, and it makes me wonder if that's the real reason why people hate him. In short, I just don't see where people like you are coming from at all.

    2) Other guys in the NFL now or who have played in the NFL have done horrible stuff to PEOPLE, and they get less hatred for any reason, whether it's the game or what they did. Again, I don't understand the reaction over cruelty to animals vs something like Roethlisberger being accused of rape TWICE. And there was another guy, can't remember his name right now, who did kill someone in a vehicular related incident, and no one ever talks about him.

    3) I'm just going to say it, and it relates to my first two points as well--the other QBs you named are white. I right now hear the *absolute most* crap talked about Vick and McNabb. Now, as I've said, I don't know what the real reasons behind that are, but I can't help but notice the racial difference and I often wonder if this "he killed dogs" stuff really isn't just a smokescreen.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    I'm a Giant fan, and you should never buy an Eagles jersey. But if you're forced to buy one, make sure it isn't a dog murderer like Mike Vick. At least get a Westbrook or a McNabb.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    They are fans of Philly, that is the most basic answer, they have th rep. Of being the most brutal fans so they try to keep it up, they don't even nessicarily love their team that much, they just hate the other 31, these are the same fans that booed Santa Clause

  • Rick31
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I don't think most people actually hate Mike Vick, but a majority of us animal lovers hate what was done at the dog fighting operation that he funded in Virginia. Anyway, he has paid his debt to society and as a Falcon fan, he is the enemy for that reason only.

  • 1 decade ago

    I do it all the time. Im a cowboys fan who lives in Philly. When they say Romo is a Homo I say "at least my quaterback doesnt kill dogs" and that shuts them right up. Philly fans are soft. After all they were too scared to play in the snow so they resceduled it to tuesday night. What a bunch of wussies.

  • Nox
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    I love the NFL, but let's face it the league has a bunch of guys who've done far worse things, rapists, murderers, adulterers, etc but for some reason the hatred for Vick from a certain "segment" of people seems far more intense, and over dogs. People like you are insane.

  • 1 decade ago

    Michael Vick is a piece of $*#^. I hate him and hope only the most horrible things happen to him.

    Source(s): Me!
  • 1 decade ago

    You want to talk about offensive, try saying you hate Drew Brees down in New Orleans... You won't make it out alive. That town has nothing to live for except for the next Saints game.

  • 1 decade ago

    Wolverine sounds like he has a mental illness and needs therapy. Animals creep you out, what a weirdo!!!!!!!

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