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If homosexuals were less promiscuous, forward/bold, and intolerant of us so-called "homphobes"? you think they would be more accepted by society?

Before you accuse me of making generalizations, hear me out. I consider myself just a typical middle-class, college-educated, heterosexual young guy. I have a number of lesbian, gay, and bisexual acquaintances, and one gay man with whom I am a fairly close friend tells me that most gay men are promiscuous. I've also openly observed homosexuals hitting on straight people, which is rude at best, if not sexual harassment.

I also do not believe that homosexuality is natural. The way I see it, the male sex organs were designed by God/nature/evolution/whatever you believe in, to work in conjunction with the female sex organs, which is exactly why the terms "male" and "female" have entered our vocabulary in naming matching pipe fittings or electrical connectors. You wouldn't try to plug two female RCA cable leads together and expect them to transmit an audio or video signal... they simply don't physically fit, and even if they did there would be inadequate shielding and an impedance mismatch, or possible ground loop.

I also believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that no governing body, electorate, judiciary, or even lexicographer anywhere in the world has the right to attempt to change that definition. Furthermore, I would feel quite uncomfortable if a homosexual were in the bathroom or locker room with me, just as I would feel as if there were a woman in there. Does this make me homophobic? I don't know, I don't care. I already mentioned that I have a number of friends who are lesbian, gay, and bisexual, and most of them know pretty darn well where I stand.

You see, I actually consider myself a moderate on the issue. I know there are many extremists on both sides of me, some that believe that homosexuals are condemned to hell just for being gay and that they should be shunned from society, and on the other end of the spectrum some that insist on gay marriage now and hate-crime laws and making words like "fag" illegal.

But I don't appreciate being accused of being a homophobe. I don't believe that gays and lesbians are condemned to hell. I don't believe that they should be shunned from society. I don't oppose letting them adopt children if that means the children would have a better home. But I do take issue with being compared to hate-mongering lunatics like the Westboro Baptist "Church" simply because I don't support same-sex marriage or actively participate in or support the gay agenda.

My point is that such polarization and name-calling alienates your average Joe like me. So does the promiscuity and hitting on straight people. (I know darn well that many homosexuals aren't like that, but a few rotten apples spoil the bunch, just as many homosexuals are suspicious of all religious people simply because of a minor part of the creeds of a few religions.) In fact, the fear that gays will "try something" is one major defense of those who opposed repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell (and by the way, Obama is a liar, but don't get me started on that, I'll leave that for another day). If gays and lesbians didn't flaunt their homosexuality so much or hit on straight people, don't you think people would be more at-ease and not believe that homosexuals will screw anything that comes their way? Because a lot of people do believe that.

Sorry this was so long. What are your thoughts?


"Is it considered rude for a straight man to hit on a woman, who may or may not be straight or may or may not have a partner?"

Maybe, but that's not the point I'm making.

"People are sexual beings and heterosexual people flaunt their sexuality way more than homosexuals do. think about it, us heterosexuals are always holding hands kissing each other, announcing our marriages."

I'm talking per capita.

"As for the rest you have a problem with sexuality, its your problem do not put it on anyone else/"

You're full of it. You sound like an intolerant, brainwashed person.

"I stopped reading there. They were not 'designed'."

Fine, then how did they come about? Care to offer some alternate explanation?

As far as the name-calling answers, they will be reported to Yahoo! administrators. Hypocrisy at its finest.

Update 2:

Jennifer, thank you for sharing, but I said that.

Update 3:

Actually, I would be considered moderate. I don't know where you're from, but in the United States, most people are against gay marriage. Do you really think insulting straight people and shoving your opinions down our throats is going to gain sympathy for your cause? If you do then you have little hope.

Update 4:

lilyWhite ♥call of the siren♥, did I say that it "shouldn't be done?"

NO. Quit putting words in my mouth. Call me a homophobe, fine, but don't put words in my mouth.

Update 5:

Tyler, I said that I DON'T believe they are condemned to hell.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Ok, well first off, you should not be proud of claiming yourself to be a "homophobe." That's looked down upon, especially if you say you are a follower of Jesus Christ; if you are hateful, you are in no position to say that you are a holy person. Second, using the Bible as evidence is in no way plausible, the bible was written 2010 years ago, there is no proof of the stories inside, and everything in there has bias; what I like to call, "the corruption of humanity." Third, I have never met any homosexual that hits on everyone, couldn't we also say that for girls we call "flirts?" I've seen plenty of flirts, but I don't really care if they approach me. Fourth, why are you offended by homosexuals hitting on straight guys? Are you jealous that they aren't approaching you; and if they are approaching you, why not take it as a compliment? They obviously think you look good, take their compliments. ;) What about prostitutes? Should I get mad at them for trying to have sex with men for pay? "Those darned straight women, having sex with everyone!"

    Now, I see you aren't completely a homophobe, nor do I wish you to be. Why do you think they are condemned to hell? I don't understand that at all. Do you believe it because a book says it? Are you so easily influenced by a book just because most people in the United States believe it? I think you should take your own views rather than going with it because everyone else is. Plus, there is no evidence based off it, I know you aren't happy to hear that out of me; but it is true. There is nothing we can do to prove the bible is true. You either believe it or you don't. It's good for morals, but not to be taken word-for-word. Please, just learn to love and accept everyone. Love is meant to be unconditional, until some revokes that privilege. Please, think again, think for yourself.

    Source(s): Right from my heart and soul :P
  • Percy
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Oh good lord...

    "most gay men are promiscuous. I've also openly observed homosexuals hitting on straight people, which is rude at best, if not sexual harassment."

    Ah yes, because straight men are A) never promiscuous and B) never hit on people who don't want to be hit on. Got any other double standards? I'll bet you do!

    "I also do not believe that homosexuality is natural."

    Oh gee, there's a shocker. Where do you think it came from then? It occurs in many animal species, it has been a constant in virtually every society on earth, and has a strong heritable (genetic) component, but because male and female RCA jacks don't fit together, must not be natural, right?

    "I also believe that marriage is between a man and a woman"

    Another shocker.

    "Furthermore, I would feel quite uncomfortable if a homosexual were in the bathroom or locker room with me"

    Couldn't have guessed that one!

    "Does this make me homophobic?"


    "I already mentioned that I have a number of friends who are lesbian, gay, and bisexual"

    That is a homophobic cliche.

    "But I don't appreciate being accused of being a homophobe."

    I'm sure you don't. Slave-owners didn't appreciate being called racist either.

    "In fact, the fear that gays will "try something" is one major defense of those who opposed repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell"

    And it was extremely homophobic, especially given that rape and sexual assault of military women is virtually endemic in the military, which was why every court and study of the subject have rightly concluded that this is a belief founded in bias, not in reality.

    You're homophobic. You can sit there all you want and claim you're not, you are. You can call it "name-calling" all you want, you are. You claim hate-crime laws are as "extreme" as people who call for gays to be shunned from society - and the laughable part is you do it to try to position yourself as a moderate. Federal hate-crime laws for gay people are on the books - you're trying to tell us you're a "moderate" and the "extreme" is a law that 60% of Congress voted for. Uh huh.

  • 1 decade ago

    It's easy to say being gay is "not natural" when it doesn't affect your own life. Sure, you have "friends", but being gay is not your own personal reality. If it were, I wonder if you'd be so quick to condemn people for loving someone of the same sex.

    I am surprised that, considering you say you have gay friends, that you haven't talked with them about when they realized they were gay. It is generally understood that people are gay by nature and not by choosing. I've never met a gay person to deny this.

    Also, if you look around, you will see that there are millions of gay people from all walks of life out there in every country, every culture, every race, every profession, every socio-economic group etc. Some suffer terrible consequences for being who they are - some lose jobs, get rejected by family, suffer loneliness, get attacked etc etc

    At least in Canada gay and lesbian people have ALL the same rights as straight people do. No one has the right to mock them and say "your marriage is a sham" or it isn't "right". In Canada, same-sex marriages are perfectly legal. You can't be fired for being gay. You can't use hate speech. Being homophobic makes no sense, hurts people and frankly comes down to attacking others for something they can't change and are entirely legally entitled to do. So, I guess I would say, quit bullying others, have a heart, be a good fellow citizen and choose to open your mind, your heart and be a good friend.

  • Wisdom
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    --Your friend is not right. Has he met "most" gay men? Have you met "most" gay men? That is a generalization, and you know it. I myself am not promiscuous. The ONLY gay people I know who are promiscuous are those involved with the stereotypical gay scene (i.e. clubbing, heavy partying, alcohol, drugs, etc.). Are there a lot of gays who sadly get involved with this scene? Yup. Do they represent the MAJORITY of gays who DON'T do that, such as myself and my other gay friends? Nope. You fail to understand that you overlook other gay individuals who DO NOT conform to the stereotypes, which would be the majority of gay people out there. The only reason why you overlook them is because you don't know they're gay. They blend in with everyone else because they appear straight.."

    --Wow.... Okay you have a VERY narrow definition of what it means to be "natural". In terms of reproduction, yes, nature has favored opposite sex relationships for that. But once again, you see things in black and white and you fail to realize that nature has many more uses for sexuality than just making babies. I always bring this one example up when dealing with more closed-minded people: What do you think of barren women and sterile men? Are they "unnatural" since they can't reproduce? Nope. That is the way nature made them. They're different. And just because they are different does NOT mean they are any less "natural" than the majority. There are whole species that are bisexual, including several monkey/ape species. For them homosexual relations have a distinct evolutionary purpose. Dolphins form emotional and sexual bonds with the same sex for reasons OTHER than reproduction. Homosexuality is observed in THOUSANDS of animals. If it were unnatural, wouldn't we just see this in human relationships? We don't, and that leads us to believe that nature itself has variations of sexuality, and that it always makes sure to keep the majority involved in heterosexual relationships for the sake of reproduction and the propagation of the species. This is what we see in humans.

    "I also believe that marriage is between a man and a woman, and that no governing body, electorate, judiciary, or even lexicographer anywhere in the world has the right to attempt to change that definition."

    Okay. I accept this. I might not agree with it, but what I'm mainly concerned about are the benefits associated with marriage. You may keep the word and the religious institution. I respect that. But you have no right to deny me the benefits of marriage if I wish to be with someone I love who happens to be of the same sex.

    And to answer your question at the end, YES. Those PRIDE parades for example? Ridiculous. THAT is why people think we're promiscuous. It's what a LOUD MINORITY within the community do to make us ALL look like sex-driven deviants. I love the idea of the parade, but what they DO in them is sick and wrong. AND YES, once again, I am gay and I am still saying this.

    Source(s): I had a lot more to say in this answer, but I had to delete most of it because stupid Yahoo has a word/character limit.....
  • 1 decade ago

    "one gay man with whom I am a fairly close friend tells me that most gay men are promiscuous"

    So you're basing this all on the account of ONE person. You're generalizing about 10% of the population on the word of ONE person? Right...

    "The way I see it, the male sex organs were designed by God/nature/evolution/whatever you believe in, to work in conjunction with the female sex organs"

    Evolution doesn't design anything. Random mutations followed by trial and error cannot be interpreted as design. If there was such a design, we wouldn't be seeing variance. The penis and vagina are merely something that nature "came up with" and it turned out to be successful, and even in saying that I'm discounting the entire evolutionary history of sexual dimorphism.

    "on the other end of the spectrum some that insist on gay marriage now and hate-crime laws and making words like "fag" illegal."

    Nobody is calling for the word "fag" to be made illegal, that would be infringement of free speech as hate speech is protected under the first amendment. The straw man you're presenting is absurd. Also, are you claiming that making crimes against homosexuals because they are homosexual classified as hate crimes in an extremist view? That's the very definition of a hate crime, since you're so keen on the preservation of definitions (see "marriage" in your question).

    "People are sexual beings and heterosexual people flaunt their sexuality way more than homosexuals do. think about it, us heterosexuals are always holding hands kissing each other, announcing our marriages."

    "I'm talking per capita."

    Per capita, this still holds. Your "observations" are selective at best, fabricated at worst.

    In my opinion, you're unfit to call yourself a moderate on the issue. You definitely into the socially conservative field on this "issue".

  • Soul
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    "I also do not believe that homosexuality is natural. " Same sex occur in animals. Go figure.

    "one gay man with whom I am a fairly close friend tells me that most gay men are promiscuous"

    Just one? They're lots of Gay men that will have different oppinions on "promiscuous".

    "If gays and lesbians didn't flaunt their homosexuality so much or hit on straight people,"

    Gay/Lesbian get bullied in the past and even get tortured just because of their sexuality. Straight people are expected to be straight. Straight people hit on gay people. Ok?

    Homosexauls are just like normal people but just go for same-sex. Their gender has nothing to do with their appearance.

  • Dass
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'll list my thoughts in the order they come.

    -Respect is not a one way street, prick.

    -Right, but heterosexual men? Never promiscuous.

    -And if it's not natural, what the bleedin' hell is it? We don't build homosexuals, they aren't contrived.

    -And what gives YOU the right to define marriage for everyone that nobody else has?

    -I'm sorry. If you think hate crime legislature and marriage is extremist, YOU ARE NOT MODERATE!

    -You don't seriously think anyone is trying to make the word fåg, illegal, do you?

    -Although you don't appreciate it, I'm justified in calling you an idiot for believing there IS a gay agenda for you not to support.

    -Again, respect is not a one way street.


    -"You're full of it. You sound like an intolerant, brainwashed person."


    "As far as the name-calling answers, they will be reported to Yahoo! administrators. Hypocrisy at its finest."

    You know what sounds hypocritical to me?

    Edit 2: "Actually, I would be considered moderate. I don't know where you're from, but in the United States, most people are against gay marriage. Do you really think insulting straight people and shoving your opinions down our throats is going to gain sympathy for your cause?"

    -So then ALL marriages should be left to popular vote. I'm sorry, no, that's insane. And I wasn't aware a minority opinion is suddenly extremist. And I'm sorry if it's insulting to you, but basic human rights are more important than the feelings of people who will be completely unaffected by them.

    I'm not adding anything else. I've already given this about 5x more time than it deserves.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Because something isn't your definition of "natural", it shouldn't be done? By that standard, most modern technology and medicine wouldn't exist. You didn't come up with the definition of "marriage", so who are you to give it an explicit meaning? And you call yourself "tolerant" and "moderate" yet insist homosexuality is--to summarize your entire rant--wrong?

    You are homophobic if you thought your opinion needed this much of a rant.

    Addendum: The whole point of this rant was to spew your opinion that people were MADE to go together guy & gal. It's how they're designed, as you put it. Your entire rant is about how homosexuality isn't right.

  • 1 decade ago

    Homosexuality is natural as it occurs amongst almost all mammals in nature. Also straight people hit on gay people and straight people hit on straight all the time.

    Is it considered rude for a straight man to hit on a woman, who may or may not be straight or may or may not have a partner?

    People are sexual beings and heterosexual people flaunt their sexuality way more than homosexuals do. think about it, us heterosexuals are always holding hands kissing each other, announcing our marriages.

    As for the do not ask do not tell, I am glad that was repealed. It was stupid thing to have. It was down right prejudiced.

    the only way forward is for more education adn acceptance of homosexuals in our society.

    As for the rest you have a problem with sexuality, its your problem do not put it on anyone else/

    Source(s): heterosexual
  • 1 decade ago

    you know...... usually after i read these kinds of things i get angry, sometimes i get furious, but right now i am just sad..... i am sad that someone would make all of these accusations about a group of people whom they really have no idea about... it saddens me that instead of using your time to observe those people more closely and truly trying to understand them and the way that they are, you spend that valuable time to go online, and tell complete strangers that u think the way they are, is wrong... again.... i am sad.... i am also saddened about how little people are educated about others and then they just believe so willingly what everyone else has told them...

    Source(s): just a 15 year old boy, put through a lot of shit just because of what he likes
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