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Lv 5
Dong asked in Society & CultureLanguages · 1 decade ago

Japanese translation into english for a game?

please find these translation

i would like the translations in the following format

pic 1 - aaaaa

aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaa aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaaaaaa

pic 2 - ppppppppppp

ppp pp ppppppppppp

pppp pppppp ppppppp pppppp


picture 1 -

picture 2 -

picture 3 -

picture 4 -

picture 5 -

picture 6 -

2 Answers

  • Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    pic 1 - Look around

    Open safe

    Look at notes

    Talk to Mayuzumi

    Leave the room

    pic 2 - Yuusuke: "I don't see anything else"

    pic 3 - New robot name

    O reisu ya- (don't know what that's supposed to be)

    pic 4 - Yuusuke: "Transforming robots are Lightning Skyers" (don't know the spelling)

    pic 5 - Mayuzumi: "Yeah, the chance that the safe's password is the new robot's name is pretty high."

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Cycling and ski-bite.

    2. Kicking of balls.

    3. No Noisy Footstep speak out laud.

    4. No one really goes to the aqua bar for the drinks, but make sure our drinks won't kill you. this is something you must remember.

    5. The little part which suffocates when the part which gets hurt is swallowed is contained.

    6. The notebook having horizontal ruled line and being able to fold up is the best for playing.

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