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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

Jehovah’s Witnesses: How much money do you spend, per month, on purchasing Watchtower literature?

Jehovah’s Witnesses use their own money to pay for gas and time spent in the ministry. And that includes paying for all Watchtower publications and the free home Bible studies they conduct. But how much money does it cost, per month, for one of the Jehovah’s Witnesses to pay for those magazines? What if you simply took a stack of Watchtower Magazines (for community distribution) without paying for them? I understand that your contributions are “voluntary,” but does this mean you can get the literature without making a voluntary contribution? Does anyone do this?


So far, no one has given me even a ballpark figure on the monthly cost. But let’s go with the ten cents per magazine (base cost) suggested by Mike. And let’s suppose the average JW gives away 30 magazines per month (I have no idea what’s typical). That’s only three dollars needed for voluntary contributions. Is that about right or am I way off?

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I live in a south asian country.A decade ago we bought WT magazine for money and also we gave it to people for the fixed price quoted in the awake and WT magazines and the same thing was done for other publications too.Since we had bought and sold the same price we did not had any loss but we are required to contribute money to watch tower society through a number of boxes in the Kingdom Hall and assemblies.

    But now the scenario was completely changed.We have to buy magazines for money usually we would pay a good some of money(this was done by putting money in the contribution box) for the magazines and we also gave the magazines not for a fixed price but for the desired money which the

    buyer wished to gave.

    This system was more beneficial to WT society so this was adapted all over the world.This helped the WT escape the taxes levied on sales of magazines and also doubled the profit of WT society.

    Huge amount of money laundering was rampant in the WT society.In one instance a lawyer who was in charge of the accounts department siphoned of huge amount of money for a period of time and finally was caught.

    Guess what would have happened? he was simply let off and he left the organization happily and now lives with his new money.He was not reported to the authorities which would have put him in bars for 7 or more years and the congregation was also not informed.This is the way WT society handles most of the cases.

    The exact amount of money coming in to the WT coffers is not disclosed to the JW.Some says it is in billions of dollars.When Jesus comes to earth on the judgment day he would be amazed as well as disgusted to observe that is name and commandments were used to make billions of dollars and in turn he would reward all the people who used his name to brain wash people and collect money.

    Not only WT society is guilty but also many in the christendom.They both misused Jesus christs name and collected money.

    As for my knowledge a very small portion of money is spent by christendom to do charity.But 0% by WT society.But if any JW is confronted by this question would repeat the answer which was taught to him by the WT that they are paying the taxes regularly.But what the poor JW doesn't know is WT is an tax free organizations as it is run by contributions.WT doesn't have to pay single penny as tax.

    Jesus christ came from a poor back ground probably he would have 2 or 3 dresses and would not have access to rich food.He does not advised his followers to go on a money collecting spree.and when he saw profiteers in the temple he got angry and resorted to violence and history would repeat the same when he comes with angels on the judgment day.

    Those who collect money by using Christ Jesus's name will be severally punished.This includes both the WT society and many denominations in the christendom

    Source(s): I am insider and contributed lots of money to WT which was wasted to luxury,drinking,silencing sex victims etc.Since many of my relatives are clergies I know what is happening in other christian denominations too.
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Watchtower Publications Index

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey rusty, got your toes stepped on in this one,huh!

    yep. we do not 'buy' our mags & such. gotta start reading your WHOLE bible, not just the sad & tired king jimmy.

    [(1 Corinthians 9:17-18) . . .7 If I perform this willingly, I have a reward; but if I do it against my will, all the same I have a stewardship entrusted to me. 18 What, then, is my reward? That while declaring the good news I may furnish the good news without cost, to the end that I may not abuse my authority in the good news.]

    *** w57 4/15 p. 244 Christendom’s Spiritual Famine ***

    Where is this spiritual banquet? You are partaking of a small part of it by reading this issue of The Watchtower. But there is much more. To partake of it, associate with the New World society of Jehovah’s witnesses, through whom this magazine has been brought to you. Learn the nourishing truths of God’s kingdom. Learn how you may survive Armageddon into God’s new world. Allow Jehovah’s witnesses to bring you spiritual food free of cost. Examine it. Compare it with the Bible.

    See for yourself—this is the spiritual food foretold by God’s prophet: “Ho! everyone that is thirsty, come to the waters, and he that has no money, come, buy, and eat! Come, buy grain without money, and wine and milk without price! Why should you spend money for what is not bread, and your earnings for what does not satisfy? If you but listen to me, you shall eat what is good, and shall delight yourselves with rich nourishment.”—Isa. 55:1, 2, AT.

    how bout that.

    when you get tired of the sad stuff in your church, come on over, rusty. we have a seat for you.and it will NOT cost you like many churches do.

    adios from the beach.


    Source(s): - bible brain watchtower specifically, the articles on free and spiritual food. look em up.
  • 1 decade ago

    The literature is free of charge. All donations are voluntary and anonymous. We give according to our ability to give.

    We donate voluntary to the entire worldwide work, and then the Governing Body sees that it goes in the places that will do the most good; to cover the production costs of the literature and printing facilities, construction and maintenance of kingdom halls, disaster relief work, worldwide conventions, and so on.

    It is a privilege for us to give to Jehovah God; it's his anyway. Everything we have belongs to Jehovah.

    2 Corinthians 8:4 "..While they of their own accord kept begging us with much entreaty for the privilege of kindly giving and for a share in the ministry destined for the holy ones."

  • The question is ambiguous in its wording. We do not purchase Watchtower literature. We take what we can use, as we can use it. Voluntary contributions made to the worldwide work facilitate the publishing of the magazines, other literature, and the evangelizing work as a whole.

    There is no price set on the literature, so it is impossible to answer how much is "spent" on it per month.

    Inside of our literature is this notice: "This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations."

    As worded, the answer to your question would be "nothing." But as I said, the wording is ambiguous.

    Source(s): The HOLY Bible
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    There is NO monthly cost to our literature, we do not pay any thing for it. All of our Publications are paid for/produced out of what is known as the World wide preaching fund. The fund is made of voluntary donations from Witnesses and any body else who wishes to donate to it.

    When we are able to donate we only donate what we can/able to so. It does not matter if it is £1 or £100, it is purely what we can do, just like the example of the Tax collector and the old woman in The Bible.

    Source(s): A JW.
  • NMB
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    "How much money do you spend, per month, on purchasing Watchtower literature?"

    Since we do not purchase the literature, I spend nothing.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nothing, zip, zero, zilch, nada. Our literature is free and given free. If someone wants to donate than it is welcomed and put into the collection box at the Kingdom Hall. Don't believe me? Go to the Kingdom Hall near you and ask for some literature or a Bible.

    The message of the Kingdom is most important. Money cannot buy that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Is about 50 times less that pastors collect from the tithing.....something that was removed 1976 Years ago with Jesus 's death (Nisan 14) according to Ephesians 2:15 but Christians pastors lie to their followers telling them they still should give the tithe.

    Average Salary of a Born again is 1800 Dollars and the 10% is about 180 dollars....not including offerings

    and a JWs as an average will give 3-5 dollars.

    180/3 is about 60 times in a few words in by far more expensive to be Evangelical rather than JWs.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Careful, just typing the word 'Jehovah' can get you a violation notice. Oops, I just did. *awaits violation email*

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