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T R E Y asked in SportsWrestling · 1 decade ago

Don't you find it awful that the top 2 heels in WWE aren't even wrestlers (+SvR 2011 Questions and WQ's)?

Yes, the top 2 heels in WWE are Vickie Guerrero and Michael Cole . If you disagree, who do you think the top 2 heels are and why ? If you do agree, why ?


SvR 2011 Question: I am in Story Designer mode, and it says I ran out of moments and matches . Someone told me to go to Part 2, but how do I get there ? And if that doesn't work, how do I get more moments and matches ?

SvR 2011 Question: When I use anyone in Road to Wrestlemania and I go to challenge matches, their all locked . Why ? How do I get them unlocked ?

SvR 2011 Question: How do I get The Rock and Stone Cold unlocked ?

WQ1: Who will win the Royal Rumble ?

WQ2: Who will be in the WWE Championship Match at Wrestlemania ?

WQ3: What are your top 3 moments in WWE this year ?


Straight Ǝdge eniGma is currently the most likely to get best answer, since he/she gave me the most info about SvR .

But @ Straight Ǝdge eniGma, what do you mean ''you must use a different story slot'' ?

Update 2:

Excuse me,* separate* story slot .

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think Punk and Sheamus are the biggest heels at the moment, Cole isnt really a heel and just annoying since he still cheers Cena and people, just has a thing for the Miz

    You have to use a seperate story slot

    You unlock them by talking to people backstage and theyll challange you to a match on supertars

    for the Rock you must find all challanges in RTWM vs Undertaker, to unlock the final challange against The Rock on Wrestlemania week

    Week 2 (Backstage Brawl): Randy Orton

    Week 3 (Backstage Brawl): Kozlov

    Royal Rumble (Backstage Brawl): Ziggler

    Week 9 (Tables Match): Big Show

    Week 12 (Backstage Brawl): Batista

    and same for Stone Cold except in Christians RTWM

    Week 4: After the Peep Show, before talking to Tiffany, go to the top locker room on the map, and talk to Regal.

    Week 5: Find Kane, and get challenged to an Inferno Match.

    Week 8: Find CM Punk in the hallways, and talk to him.

    Week 9: Find Jericho in the trainer's room.

    Week 11: Find Legacy backstage. Fight them 2-on-1 at Superstars

    1-Hopefully CM Punk or Alberto Del Rio

    2-Punk/Cena maybe, or Orton/Cena

    3-HBKs last match, CM Punks fued with Mysterio and Bret Harts return(even if it wasnt that great it was memorable and a big deal

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Even tho I hate PRETENDING to answer questions in kayfabe, i'll do it this time just because it's your last day in the Wrestling category of Yahoo Answers. Since we're talking in kayfabe I would have to base the top 10 on title wins, records, streaks, etc. But I don't think anyone has actually kept track on the win/loss records in WWE, because WWE is not like the MMA and boxing. *Notice, I will only mention the most important achievement of their careers* 1. Ric Flair. I can't believe no one mentioned this legendary pro wrestler. I would consider Ric Flair the greatest, both in keyfabe and not. 16 time world champion and most winning of all time speaks for itself. 2. The Undertaker. Undefeated at The grandest stage of them all, Wrestlemania 19-0. 3. Andre The Giant Undefeated for 15 f'ing years. That's impressive in a keyfabe manner. 4. Triple H Thirteen time World Champion. 5. Bruno Sammartino. WWE Champion for 2803 days. The time when the title actually meant something. 6. Trish Stratus 7 time WWE Champion. You can debate on whether or not a woman deserves to be on the list(considering that the men's division is tougher and more competitive than the women's division, but I still think that women deserve more recognition.) 7. The Fabulous Moolah. Women's Champion for 10170 days. Respect. Just the fact that she was allowed to hold the title for that long showcases the respect and admiration she achieved. 8. Chris Jericho. First ever undisputed WWF champion. If that is not impressive enough, he beat THE ROCK and STONE COLD at the SAME night. Those two were the most popular wrestlers at that time and the fact that Jericho beat them both is a huge achievement. 9. Edge. 12-time Tag team Champion. 10. Hulk Hogan. WWE champion for 1474 days. BQ: Well, if WWE was indeed completely real then yes, the biggest and most dominant guys would be holding the titles more often. The "smaller" guys like The Rock, Cena and Austin held the titles more often because they were bigger draws with more charisma and personality. This just goes to show that kayfabe is not real.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wish Michael Cole would get a chair to the head and die in the hospital. I'm sick of hearing him talk.

    As for Guerrero, I'll be happy once she joins her husband in hell.

  • 1 decade ago

    No, Miz is the WWE's biggest heel right now !

    WQ1: Christian

    WQ2: The Miz and John Cena

    WQ3: 3. HBK retires

    2. Bret Hart returns

    1. Nexus debuts

  • Kim
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Michael Cole and Vickie Guerrero are the top 2 heels that are nonwrestlers. But the top 2 heels that ARE wrestlers are The Miz and CM Punk.

    WQ 1: Christian

    WQ 2: The Miz vs John Morrison vs Randy Orton

    WQ 3: Shawn Michaels vs The Undertaker at Wrestlemania 26, John Morrison getting a push, and CM Punk becoming the new leader of Nexus.

    Source(s): Me.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's your opinion..

    What about Wade Barrett? The Miz? Alberto Del Rio? CM Punk?

  • Yep, now thats a damn shame, & its true, Wade Barrett isnt as bad as Cole or Vickie, neither is Kane

    I wanna CM is te 3rd top heel in WWE atm.

    SvR: sorry dude, no clue, dont own SvR... yet

    WQ1: Hopefully a LOW deserving midcarder like Zack Ryder or Darren Young, but most likely HHH, Sheamus. But I wouldnt be mad if JoMo WON!

    WQ2: The Miz v. John Morrison v. Randy Orton

    WQ3: The Nexus Debut

    Kane attacks everyone & chokeslams Big Show (I WAS THERE)

    Alicia Fox becomes Diva's Champ

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    matt striker is a heel..hes on the bad side

  • 1 decade ago

    Disagree. The top two heels in the WWE are currently CM Punk/Nexus and Kane. Though Cole and Vickie do draw strong heel heat, Punk and Kane have more heel charisma and are a lot more threatening.

    WQ1: Triple H

    WQ2: Triple H vs. John Cena vs. The Miz (c) for the WWE Championship


    1. Nexus Debut

    2. Daniel Bryan's return at Summerslam

    3. Bret Hart and Shawn Michaels shaking hands on the January 4, 2010 Raw.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Lol i agree.

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