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Does a person lose unalienable rights if he disavows the Creator?

In the preamble of the Declaration of Independence, we are declaring that our rights of Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness come from the Creator.

Do atheists then lose these rights by denying there is a creator?

Could the real push behind destroying religion then mean that this is a forerunner to losing our independence for all?


Thomas Jefferson declared in the piece:

"...they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights; that among these, are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That, to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed;..."

He wrote the Declaration. It is used as a forerunner to the Constitution and the basis for our rights

I find the comments interesting, mostly antagonistic in tone, which means that some intent other than what I actually asked is being assumed here. Just look at what I asked. And note, Creator is Capped, not lower case.

Update 2:

The Supreme Court declared in 1897, the Constitution is the body and letter of which the Declaration of Independence is the thought and the spirit, and it is always safe to read the letter of the Constitution in the spirit of the Declaration of Independence.

Update 3:

Correction: The Declaration of Independence does not have a preamble. I'm referring to the Declaration itself

Update 4:

I don't see any reference in the Declaration that the Creator is the Christian God. And I didn't say that either. It's perhaps time to just read what is asked and not try to add in or abstract meaning. Just answer the question that is asked.

Update 5:

K, refer



a person who denies or disbelieves the existence of a supreme being or beings.



a person who holds that the existence of the ultimate cause, as god, and the essential nature of things are unknown and unknowable, or that human knowledge is limited to experience.

25 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Declaration took months (years?) to create. These founders chose words meticulously. Each might have had a different religion from the others. Creating a place were all were free to believe as each willed; it is doubted this group would put any barrier to this freedom of belief/thought.

    There must be some way we got here. An Agnostic can't disagree with that. How can you have something without something creating it? Even if you created You; then you are your own Creator

    We can understand from the Declaration that these rights belong to all and this document secures it.

    Please look at the Declaration of Human Rights. This might help people understand?

    Extra data:

    Atheists don't believe in a god but do not deny that one exists. An Agnostic doesn't believe one exists at all.

    Source(s): Dictionaries and being an Atheist and believe there could be some higher being.
  • 1 decade ago

    No.Read a history book.The word Creator was used as a compromise between "We are endowed with certain..." and "We are endowed by God..." Creator was used because it could mean anything.

    Our laws aren't based on the Declaration but the Constitution.I suggest you actually read it.You'd learn that we all have rights,not just Christians.In fact no where in the Constitution are the words God,Jesus and Christian mentioned.The word religion is used twice-Article VI states that their is no religion required for office and the First Amendment bans the government from sanctioning any religion or preventing it.This is the Establishment Clause.The closing uses the word lord-The Year Of Our Lord-this is the English translation of A.D.

    It seems to me you find this disappointing.Good.Do you want to live in a theocracy?

    Since your premise is completely wrong then so is your conclusion.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't get why all you people are arguing about what the word "creator" means. That's totally irrelevant to the question that was asked. The Declaration says that "all men" have certain unalienable rights. It doesn't say "all men who believe in the creator," it just says "all men." Maybe some of the authors believed that those rights were assigned by God. Maybe some of them had a different idea, but whatever the source of those rights, the authors seemed to agree that "all men" were endowed with them.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Why are you under the bizarre illusion that the whole world follows that one country's declaration?

    Regardless, the laws and rights do not come from that declaration. Even if the whole world did follow that declaration, laws and rights did depend upon it and so on (you really make a lot of assumptions, you know), it still wouldn't matter what people believed. That just says that the person who wrote it and enshrined them in law believed those rights were given by the creator. Why would not believing in that creator get rid of them? Would not believing in the person who wrote the laws mean you don't have to follow them?

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I'm guessing the Founders could not have imagined how foolish and illiterate the people would become within a mere 200 years. My Black's Law Dictionary gives this meaning to the word "inalienable rights": Rights which are not capable of being surrendered or transferred without the consent of the one possessing such rights.

    In other words, these rights are so fundamental they cannot be taken from you. But you can contract them away. And We the People do it every day of their lives. And you don't have to be an atheist to do it.

    Some examples ...

    The people have an inalienable right to travel from here to there by any means or conveyance (including a private automobile). Yet the people contract that right away by asking the State for a license to drive.

    The people have an inalienable right to marry whomever they choose, to keep that marriage private and to fully protect the children they produce in that marriage. Yet the people contract all those rights away by asking the State for a license to marry.

    The people have an inalienable right to 100% of the fruits of their labor. Yet the people contract that right away by asking the State for a Social Security Number which obligates them to pay an income tax.

    There is more. Much more.

    Those who claim to worship their Creator do all these things. You don't have to deny God. You just have to be disobedient. God expects us to trust in Him for all things. Yet we trust more in our fellow man by creating man's government. Then man's government created a business. And eventually government's business defaulted on its obligations. To protect the business man has willingly contracted with said business by collateralizing himself. The business did eventually fail and now man is owned by other men.

    Chances are, you do not own your home or the land it sits on, you car, not even the clothes on your back. Not even your children belong to you. Everything you hold near and dear is owned by foreign interests.

    In Hosea 4:6 God says His people are destroyed for their lack of knowledge. If the people do not know who they are in relationship to their Creator, they suffer.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Declaration of Independence doesn't have the force of law in the US...the Constitution does.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Sorry we are not a christian nation so no we keep our right as well as every other religion that follows a different religion other than yours. Read the article: Separation from church and state. Our government is free from religious influence to prevent slaughters for those that don't believe the nation's religion. That has happened several times in the past.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Declaration says "by their creator."

    My creators were my parents. I don't deny that.

    You'll notice, I hope, that it doesn't say " their creator, which is the claimed christian god according to a few selected sects of Protestants and no other." In fact, it says nothing about any god.

    So, no.

    I also hope you notice that the Declaration was a document prepared to be sent to Great Britain to (amazingly enough) declare independence. Later on, the independent states joined together into the United States of America, and established the rights of citizens through the constitution....which contains no such phrase, never once mentions any god, and is the basis of our laws and rights. The Declaration is not the basis of any of our laws or rights.


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Since the Supreme Court has just proclaimed and made into law that the constitution is void, it probably voids out the Declaration of Independence as well. We are really in trouble now. People wanting to come to this country may want to reconsider. They will have no constitutional protection anymore.

  • wgr88
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    The Declaration of Independence says one thing but the bible says another, i will believe the bible, We because of the sins of adam and eve have the nature of lucifer, this nature is found in

    Isaiah 14 starting at verse 12, we are born with an evil nature, in a world that has a total death rate,

    1 John 1:9 with many other verses points us to salvation given us by Jesus Christ, that is why you have rights, and our Independence is silly. we are not we are as dependent but are very much dependent upon Jesus for every thing done that is good is a gift of God via Jesus Christ. You do not need to be an atheist to loose your life, you simply need to not live up to the conditions upon which it is offered that will do as well, Our freedom is in Jesus Christ or it isn't freedom at all. Find out more free bible lessons no bible, Have a fantastic Forever.

    Source(s): The Holy Bible
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