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Lv 6

Atheist: what do you believe?

Atheism (in it's original definition) meaning- The belief or knowledge that a god of any kind does not exist.


non-theism: not knowing if God exists, and don't believe simply because lack of evidence.

If you are an atheist in it's original definition, then what evidence do you have for holding that belief. Saying "bc there isn't any evidence" does not count, because saying "God does not exist" is just as strong as a knowledgeable claim as "God does exist".And by saying "there isn't any evidence" that just leaves you with not knowing if God exists or not. or non-theism. but not atheism.


@monkey current philosophy has proven that it is logical for a omnipotent and omnibenevolent God to exist along side evil. good collection of videos problem of evil should be there:

Update 2:

@ Ian shanks how do you prove a negative? well for the magical bus, we know that a magical bus does not exist not because of absence of evidence but because of the positive evidence that buses are not magical.

Update 3:

unicorns and fairies have no comparison to God. a unicorn by definition is a physical being, that if it existed you would expect physical evidence. as for God he is not physical because if he exists he by definition must Transcend our physical existence. meaning that one should not expect PHYSICAL evidence.

Update 4:

non-theism is sort of a soft agnostic position

Update 5:

@spiny blue your 99.99% sure? upon what grounds or what makes your atheism more probable than theism?

19 Answers

  • Jimmer
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Most of us who are "dyed in the wool atheists" (over 40 years for me) understand what the words mean and your first definition is incorrect.

    Theism (and its opposite, atheism) do not speak to 'knowledge', only 'belief'. Always has, always will. Belief only comes about when one has a reason to belief, therefore NON-belief is always the default UNTIL you have reached a level of convincibility to give you a belief. We atheists have either never had enough reason to leave the default position, or through study, have determined that our reasons for a belief were unsound and/or not based in rationalism.

    Gnosticism (and its opposite, agnosticism) are the terms that apply to 'knowledge'. Those who believe have a tough time when called upon to show what they 'know' - so an agnostic is someone who admits that they don't 'know'.

    Therefore (and here's where it gets dicey), we are ALL technically agnostic, since NONE of us can show 'knowledge' of our position. But believers are not keen say they don't 'know' - that implies lack of faith. So you seldom hear believers call themselves agnostics.

    Example: I am an agnostic atheist - I don't know (meaning I don't say with any kind of authority that God doesn't or can't exist), but nothing that I have witnessed gives me any inclination to believe that he does.

    You will see the term Anti-theist - that's a stronger atheist who says there positively is no God, and if there was, they wouldn't worship him anyway. Personally, I think they make the same basic mistake as the believer - in the absence of evidence, it's just as arrogant to say God does NOT exist as it is to say he does.

    Does any of that help...? Or in any way make a difference to your understanding?

    > Jimmer <

    Source(s): of us
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. Nobody can prove that something does NOT exist. Therefore there's no way to answer this question without looking like an idiot.

    2. I don't have any evidence for god (let me finish!) so I can't believe there is a god. Get it? As a rule, there MIGHT be a god because anything is possible. But so are unicorns and leprechauns.

    Other than that, I'm a buddhist.

    Source(s): atheist/buddhist
  • Corey
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    When the dictionary has two definitions it doesn't mean one of them is "original" and the other one is fake. Atheism means not believing any gods exist. While that is inclusive of strong atheism, believing no gods exist, they aren't the same thing. Nor is atheism specific to your particular god, which I see you call God (how clever). You're being egocentric.

    I see you're trying to make up a new word, when there's already words that mean that. I believe I'll be disregarding the failed attempt at wordsmithing by an ignorant egocentric ranter.

    Source(s): agnostic atheist
  • 1 decade ago

    Your definition of non-theism uses bad grammar which is proof you just made it up as opposed to getting it from a reliable source. Nice try.

    Also atheism means non-theist in it's true original (greek) definition. Look up the prefix 'a-' and other words that start with it and you'll get a better idea of the meaning.

  • 1 decade ago

    What proof do you have that a god, any god, exists. Where did the concept of a god come from?

    It's a term created by man to explain things they didn't understand...

    Why should I accept the 'faith' or 'beliefs' of others, or the stories specifically selected by men in an ancient book as proof that their god exists?

    I really don't care if you accept that or not, but it's the best way I know to try and answer your question for me. I don't speak for others...


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    "Saying "bc there isn't any evidence" does not count" Since when is that a rule? Next thing your going to say is explain space travel without Physics. Im meaning 1 and i don't really care how you rationalize your belief in some imaginary sky daddy i rationalize what i believe through science and understanding not shoving paper towels in my ears and covering my head and screaming "GOD EXISTS!"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    More examples of Jay-z's use of occult/illuminati/masonic symbolism can be found extensively throughout his work. So either Jay-z was 'enlightened' or he himself accumulated a vast knowledge of the esoteric on his own. Either way, he is spot on with his use of symbolism. Plus his reputed cocaine dealings in his past (glorified in his lyrics) point to at least some connection to the 'shadow government' and the CIA. Jay-z is connected, that much is for sure.

    It may be just a coincidence as well, but his 'classic' album, "The Blueprint" came out on September 11, 2001.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is the night

    Of the expanding the man

    I take one last drag

    As I approach the stand

    I cried when I wrote this song

    Sue me if I play too long

    This brother is free

    I'll be what I want to be

  • 1 decade ago

    Atheists need scientific proof to believe ANYTHING.

    They are actually not atheists, there is really no such thing.

    Science is their God, though they won't admit it.

    They believe that science created everything. They will CLAIM

    1.the definition of science is only an EXPLANATION for everything and that they don't believe science created anything, and

    2. that the definition of atheism is simply a disbelief in God and nothing else, blah blah, blah...

    They believe in the Natural process, that energy created matter, molecules began to bond, the universe expanded, something turned into life someway, life evolved from species to species, and that's how we got here and how the universe came into existence.

    Science is their God. they wont admit it, but it is.

    Source(s): There is no such thing as an atheist.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Who's original definition is that, may I ask? Source please.

    Also note, anyone who cannot make a the positive statement "I believe there is a god" is an atheist.

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