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A Guy
Lv 7
A Guy asked in EnvironmentGlobal Warming · 1 decade ago

Should the category be called "Climate Change"?

Several post that the planet is actually cooling, and the IPCC is "Climate Change", and ice and ocean will mitigate actual warming. What should this category be called?


Tnx 4 the info from Australia, it makes A. seem more rational, and Y! seem more facile - - but they might call it "Localization"

11 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No, CC is also a euphemism coined to obscure the problem.

    It should be called Climate Disruption.

    "Change" of course can be from natural influences, no so disruption.

    The "cooling" red herring was given momentum this winter w/ the cold & snow.

    This was caused by the warming and melting of the poles which released floods of icy water into the oceans, diluting warm currents into cool and depriving land masses of their moderating influences.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    i'm a variety of loopy those that think of international warming is organic considering that we've long undergone 4 separate ice a while. We weren't around for a number of those so we gained't blame ourselves for those. I even heard loopy techniques like dinosaur farts and then volcano eruptions and the planet being hit with asteroids. i'm helpful people are no longer having a great impression on poor earth and we are polluting it yet i can't relatively settle for that we are all in charge. The earth IS changing and all we are able to do is substitute with it. in simple terms my opinion.

  • Arggg
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Climate change. It's really happening. Warming and cooling both. The earth never stays still, whether we're living on it or not. It's not a political issue - it's science. The question people are arguing over is what's causing it, not whether it exists. If they're saying it doesn't exist, they're nuts.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most of those that post that the planet is cooling are long term deniers who are living in a fantasy world, they have been posting such fiction for the last couple of years even though 2009 posted as the 5th warmest year on record and 2010 posted as the warmest year on record.

    If you use this site from Australia, the section is called 'climate change'

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    In civilized countries it is. The general temperature trend is still upwards

  • 1 decade ago

    The planet is NOT cooling, and ice does not mitigate global warming. It would also not make much difference if the "global warming" category were renamed "climate change"; the two are almost synonyms in popular discourse.

    It WOULD probably add clarity and reduce inaccuracy, however, if the current category were split in three:

    1) Climatology (under Science&Math)

    2) Politics (under Politics& Government)

    3) Urban Legends (with Mythology under Society&Culture)

    PS to Pegminer: Please edit to correct your typo: "anti-global warming SCIENCE political rants"

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    The planet certainly isn't cooling because of humans. The climate has been changing since the atmosphere formed billions of years ago. Calling attention to that change and trying to pretend it is due to humans is the epitome of nonsense and non-science. So you can put me down as a NO.

    IPCC is a political organization and any scientific endeavors were filtered by various political interests generally pushing alarmism. Science and politics don't mix very well. Science inevitably suffers.

    We could call it "Trying to exaggerate climate change to push an otherwise failed political agenda" but that is kind of long.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Agree with Peter and Jim as Global Warming should definitely move to the computer or religious section as there is virtually no science in the computer models.

  • 1 decade ago

    It should be called "Global Warming Science and anti-global warming political rants"

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How about Climate myths?

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