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I'm noticing a theme from some Wiccans about spellcasting?

Since we can't hear each other's tone of voice here I just wanted to get some clarification. I have been noticing that some Wiccans when answering questions are adamantly separating themselves from magick and spellwork. I'm just curious as to why this is. My foundation is in Wicca and every book I had on it included ritual and spellwork.

I can understand that some Wiccans don't cast spells and that doesn't bother me at all but am I mis-reading the tone here or do some Wiccans actually feel it has nothing to do with Wicca? Are there any Wiccans out there that have something against spellwork?

I am really just asking to better understand other perspectives, not to stir the to speak. ;)


For the sake of clarity, I am not Wiccan I am an eclectic Witch but Wicca is how I started out. I have a lot of love for the religion because of what it taught me and how it opened me up and brought me to my own belief system. It's just that in everything I studied back in the day, spellwork was incorporated and it certainly wasn't looked down upon in any book I ever read.

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The way I am reading most of the answers on the subject is that they are just trying to establish that not all people who practice witchcraft are Wiccan, and not all Wiccans practice witchcraft.

    Because witchcraft is literally that, a craft. A lot of the questions I see on here about Wiccan are from people who seem to be attracted to it only because they think they will get to wave a wand around and cast spells. That isn't what Wiccan is about. It is about honoring the God and Goddess, which does not require spell work. So one can be a Wiccan and not cast spells.

    So I really think that some people are just extremely adamant about separating the two because they don't want people to only be interested in Wicca because they think it involves a very large amount of witchcraft.

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