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Fellow you have to keep telling people that being agnostic is not the same?

as being atheist?

I keep trying to explain to people ( mostly in my family) that I am not atheist..because they mostly keep saying " we'll see who is right in the end" basically referring to when people die..and I'm sorry.. that just sounds so high and mighty and hoity toity.. I have nothing against christian people...but the ones in my family keep acting like I am atheist when religious talk comes up... :(. I have to keep telling them that i never said God, or Satan didnt exist...or that Heaven and Hell don't exist... Just that there is no solid proof....

I am perfectly fine with being agnostic...but I can't help but get annoyed when people keep mistaking atheism for agnosticism. :(

any other agnostics have this problem? And how do you deal with it?


answer number 1. everyone is agnostic? try telling that to devout christians or devout religious anyone.

answer number 2. Uh duh? Im aware of that. I was asking how to deal with people who keep MISTAKING one for the other.

Answer number 3. Noooo? really? definition of agnostic.


Noun: A person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God or of anything beyond material phenomena; a person who claims neither faith nor disbelief in God. How exactly is that being both?

Answer number 4. Superior? Really? I dont find how I think superior. If anything I pretty just keep to myself. but that is fine.. I dont really prefer the company of people who think they are better than me because they are completely sure of something they cannot see. I have no problem with anyone of any religion ( or those who dont believe at all) to be honest. as long as its not shoved in my face things will be fine.

the 3 after... thanks.

10 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Just accept the fact that most Christians have very little interest in learning the difference between agnostics and atheists. To them, anyone who doesn't believe in their particular viewpoint is going to hell, and that's all there is to it. It's pointless to argue with them, and if you let them put you on the defensive, you're just asking for this sort of problem.

    Turn it around on them, if you must discuss religion with your family, and put -them- on the defensive instead. Ask them enough hard questions about their faith, and eventually they will leave you alone, because they won't have the ability to answer.

    That's how I deal with it, though I usually try to avoid discussing religion with my Christian family members.

    I also wanted to say in response to the person who thinks 'agnostics are annoying because they can't make up their minds': Those who claim to know everything usually know nothing.

    Source(s): Agnostic Pantheist
  • 1 decade ago

    A gnostic is one who has experienced a religious gnosis and claims knowledge of the unknowable the metaphysical. As a scientist I cannot claim knowledge before solving the problem, or researching the question. As yet I am ignorant of the metaphysical nature that other people grasp with faith. This is not a rejection or a hostile position but one that is open to further information, should it appear. I am equally agnostic on all topics outside what I have direct knowledge, evidence or sensible experience with, that fall within the realm of metaphysics or the absolute. Science cannot explore the enigmas and I have yet to to find philosophical support for any other position.

    I cannot claim atheism because that is also a position of certainty about an area I simply cannot claim any sensible knowledge or mystical awareness. I have no certainty beyond my experience and grasp of the world. One experience of the ineffable would falsify the concept that the world was limited to natural phenomena. I am openly curious and constantly amazed with the field of biological study but I have never come across something that is miraculous in the sense of having divine significance in my work, but it is still possible I will. What I do accept is that the scientific method offers me the best process for exploring the world for myself.

  • 5 years ago

    relies upon on the guy and the marriage. My ex-spouse advance into/is in user-friendly terms a detrimental individual. i advance into devoted to the marriage yet after 7 years, i could no longer take it anymore and started making plans my go out. It so occurred I met somebody else and after many months I grew to advance into emotionally linked to her. We did no longer have intercourse yet emails/telephone calls etc. I did tell her i advance into in love together with her even however i advance into nonetheless married. i understand she normally puzzled if i advance into extreme and my in user-friendly terms experience sorry approximately is that i did no longer go away me ex quicker yet i attempted to do what advance into superb. A 3 hundred and sixty 5 days later I married the different lady. we've been luckily married for 8 years and characteristic 2 teenagers collectively so now and back it does take place...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Agnosticism relates to knowledge, atheist relates to are either an agnostic atheist or agnostic theist

    Edit: But you don't seem to be making that distinction...that is how you deal with people mistaking the two. No need to be rude

    Source(s): Agnostic Atheist
  • 1 decade ago

    The problem is that the terms have no fixed meaning in usage. (The dictionary is not particularly useful.) There are numerous mindsets that fall under a limited sets of labels. In the end, don't worry about the label.

  • 1 decade ago

    Never have this problem because i know there religion better then they do so can flip there dumb talk on them so easy, so they don't say anything about religion or they will get there own stupid religion put to test in right front of them.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    As I see it, the problem comes when one examines the etymology of the word. When "a" is used to prefix a word, in essence you are saying "without" (i.e. amoral: without morals). Hence, by proclaiming that one is agnostic, he/she in effect is saying that they are "without knowledge".... a proclamation that leaves one open to obvious ridicule.

    Just my two yuan's worth.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Agnostics are annoying because they think they're superior just because they haven't made their mind up on something. I'm glad there's only a few, I even prefer the company of Christians to be honest.

  • 1 decade ago

    If you don't believe in god you are atheist, if you believe in god you are theist, I cannot seem to understand being both.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Everyone is an agnostic.

    To try and create your own exclusive category for such is absurd. As is your support of American media-style 'equal time' given to dichotomies, no matter how absurd, to generate false drama and debate and attention: trolling.

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