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Cramps and potassium?

In reading some answers about cramps there seems to be a answers about potassium, and the lack of it, causing the cramps. I was wondering if someone could explain to me why that happens and then in only one leg at a time if it would be deficient in the whole body? Then why wouldn't the cramps be in other muscles as well instead of focused on the legs? And then why lack of water would do the same thing? Why not all the muscles instead of just one muscle?


So why are there only certain muscles that seem to be targeted if it's dehydration, why not all of your body?

8 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    no evidence that potassium or magnesium is sometimes associated,but,not the cause or cure...............

  • 4 years ago


    Source(s): Low Potassium Kidney Diets :
  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Mine seems to be in certain spots because those muscles are a little tighter. For myself, either potassium deficiency or dehydration is usually the cause. Try drinking extra water & eating a banana (or take a supplement)'s now my before workout routine & it has worked. Also spend extra time when stretching the muscles that it keeps happening to.

  • trish
    Lv 5
    10 years ago

    I think its something to do with contraction of the muscles because of a constriction of the blood vessels. My old mum reckoned that you should eat a banana every day if you suffered regular cramp. I think the old remedies work sometimes and are tried and tested over time although we don't always know why they work. Saying that there is a lot of potassium in bananas

  • 10 years ago

    My son had terrible cramps, we were prescribed tonic water. After a few days of two regular glasses a day the cramps lessoned and really seemed to help after two weeks.

    I must remember that myself as get them too now. Wonder if the gin would interfer with the tonic! ha ha.

    Source(s): Docter recommendation, personal experience
  • 10 years ago

    I know for one thing if you dont stay hydrated by drinking water it will cause you to cramp, specifically shin-splints out i dont think potassium has anything to do with that.

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    Mighty Douglas.

  • 6 years ago

    Hey you said in an answer that the back muscles can constrict the nerve muscles that go to the stomach and that will cause for acids to be produce and can destroy the intestinal the back muscle the lower back muscle that you're referring to?

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