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Lv 7

The Middle East. Why can't we all just get along?

Judaism and Islam both supposedly teach peace and understanding. So does Christianity for that matter (yet we had the Crusades). So why can't we all just get along?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Its not that simple. People today seem to constantly preach that we can just say no to war, but there are hatreds that are thousands of years old. Moreover, no matter how many mediators emerge, there are too many corrupt people trying to gain power and wealth. That is why things such as the crusades and jihad happened. Neither jesus nor muhhamed preached war.

  • Jafar
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    It has little to do with religion, except that one group of people think their religion (Judaism) allows them to take land away from people of other religions (Islam and Christianity) to give to people of their religion (Judaism). This is not an accusation against Judaism, since there are Jews who oppose this injustice (see Rather, there are a few radical Jews who think Jews have the right to do what they want.

    The victims of this (mostly Muslims) react in various ways, sometimes violently - not because of Islam but because of an injustice that they can no longer bear. This violence is political (according to ), but it can also be seen to be emotional. Of course, Muslims around the world support the Palestinian cause because of religious solidarity and for justice, although they mostly do not support violence against civilians.

    As you can see, although religions are somewhat involved in the conflict, the conflicts are purely political. They are for land and justice, not to establish one religion as superior over the other or to attack members of other religions.

    I have covered Judaism and Islam. Oddly, Christians seem to be the most religiously motivated in this conflict. Israel's occupation affects both Palestinian Muslims and Christians. However, instead of supporting their Palestinian Christian brethren (such as ) out of a sense of religious solidarity and justice (similar to how Muslims act), most Christians support Israel, and I cannot see any sense in this other than some misguided religious support of Israel.


    The matter will not end until justice is established. It is not a matter of people of different religions getting along. Please watch the short video at Avaaz that summarizes the situation:

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    even though the crusades and most wars are "in the name of God"

    they really arents, its just a way to justify war, if u have no real good reason just say "in the name of God" and ppl will go "oh ok, now it makes sense".

    i just believe that ppl like conflict, i think some ppl are just not used to living in peace its such a foreign idea to them that they cannot wrap their mind around it. it has nothing to do with religion its just ppl being stubborn and stupid!

  • Solar
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    because war is big business. It's always about the money and power. Human nature.

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