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Why so many Tumblr questions here?

Just curious, why so many Tumblr questions on this forum?

Most every page on Programming and Design has 1 or 2 (or more) Tumblr questions. That's much higher than other CRM software (Joomla or Wordpress) or social media sites (FB, et. el.).

I don't know much about Tumblr. I've looked at their intro page, saw nothing on there that interested me, so never created an account. we get so many Tumblr questions because it is the *HOT* spot to be? Or is it just that they have no QA forum of their own for users?

If it's really that *HOT*, are they going public? I might want in on that.

If it's just that they don't have any decent QA forums for members, I probably don't want in on that, no matter how hot it is.

So, tell me Tumblr YA! really the best source of information you have? Tumblr itself doesn't have something better? Really????

PS: I'm not complaining here. Tumblr questions fall within Programming and Design, I suppose. The questions are fine here. Just curious about the reason behind the high percantage of them here.

3 Answers

  • stone
    Lv 6
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think that it's a case of appealing to the teens.

    If you read the questions, you will notice a lot of 14 & 15 yo kids are posting.

    These kids aren't sophisticated users yet.

    As we gain experience online, we find other options beyond asking the same questions posed 15 minutes ago by a peer.

    Imagine what their teachers have to deal with...

    I'm not sure what it takes to teach people to pay attention to their surroundings... In the environment of "there's no stupid questions" you get a ton of repeat questions by people that weren't paying attention the last 20 or 30 times someone asked that same question.

    You gotta have some tolerance, we were all young once.

    But... you do have a point about how a user forum would add a ton of accessibility to the tumblr site, as yet... there are a buncha independent bloggers answering these questions and posting tuts, but "official" sources of information aren't given direct links from the faq pages. So... people are encouraged to seek information from elsewhere... Not a bad thing. When I search information on these questions, I see them posted on a lot of other forums, it isn't just YA being innundated by these questions.

  • 10 years ago

    I think it's mostly because it's not as user friendly as other social media sites, or at least for new users. It's not really as intuitive as maybe facebook, where everything can really just be guessed. Tumblr is a little more complicated, seeing as you can customize it with HTML coding and such, something facebook doesn't really have to offer. Also, it's just really popular within teens, and usually the first place of reference they go to when they need an answer to their question is Yahoo Answers.

    Source(s): I have Tumblr.
  • 8 years ago

    I Have to select all department from table inputs are date and tables.. Kindly Guide me

    Select I14.Dmd_Bas,Initcap(Bas_Des)Deprtment,De...

    From smlbhone.INV_01_14Tmp I14,smlbhone.INV_01_15Tmp I15,smlbhone.CRP_00_03 C3,smlbhone.CRP_00_04 C4,smlbhone.CRP_00_08 C8,smlbhone.ACC_01_32 A32,smlbhone.inv_01_07 i7

    Where Trunc(I14.Req_Dte)between :P_StrDte and :P_EndDte

    And I15.Req_Num = I14.Req_Num

    And I15.Bas_Cod = I14.Bas_Cod

    And C3.Itm_Cod = I15.Itm_Cod

    And C4.Uom_Cod = C3.Uom_No1

    And A32.Mch_Cod = I15.Mch_Cod

    And C8.Bas_Cod = I14.Dmd_Bas

    and i7.ITM_COD=I15.itm_cod

    and c8.bas_cod = :bascod

    ---------------- To Select Department------------------

    Select 0, 'All Departments' From Dual


    Select Bas_Cod,Bas_Des from SmlBhone.Crp_00_08 Where Bas_Typ in (4,5)

    Order By 2

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