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Lv 7
Bill asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 10 years ago

Why do I get "YA! Ans not available" or "This question has been deleted" after trying to submit my answer?

This has happened a least 3 days in a row, usually when I start in the AM to answer some questions. Often more than once at day.

It's quite frustrating because I usually write somewhat lengthy answers and take care to write them well, only to find out my time was wasted!


What can be done about this? Anything?

Update 2:

Thank you Pearl, but not really that helpful.

I like to give answers that really help and that requires some length.

Ariana, excellent answer and an admirable effort!

1 Answer

  • Ariana
    Lv 7
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "YA is not available" is a recurring glitch that happens for an uncountable amount of reasons. The most common one, though, is a bad cache file. Clear that, and it should reduce the frequency of that error message occurring:

    Just FYI - when you post an answer and get "YA is not available", simply click the BACK button. Your answer will still be there. Just press submit again until it works. You can also COPY your answer (Control & C), refresh the question, and then click answer again. Then, PASTE (Control & V) your answer into the answer field and click submit. Sometimes refreshing will solve the issue.

    It is also possible that the "YA is not available" or "this question has been deleted" messages appear because the question you're answering gets deleted WHILE you're posting your answer. So when you go to click submit, there's no question there - and you get a generic error message. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do about that. Happens to me all the time, and I tend to give very long answers. Frustrating, yes - but just part of the site.

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