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Lv 7
Proto asked in SportsFantasy Sports · 10 years ago

Waiver wire TE - Drop Miller for Winslow or Clark?

I have Heath Miller on my roster as my backup TE, behind the underused Vernon Davis.

Miller had a great game last week but that doesn't usually happen in Pittsburgh's offense. I notice that Kellen Winslow and Dallas Clark are both on waivers due to bye week activity. So do I drop Miller to grab one of those guys? If so, which one- I'm leaning towards Clark?

2 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Dallas Clark! I have Winslow on my team and he has been a big disappointment this season.

  • 4 years ago

    Drop Crumpler. in my opinion, i do no longer think in conserving backups at TE, ok, or DEF, so i could commerce the two Heap or Winslow for regardless of you will get after that. Heap is probable the #2 TE in fantasy soccer (particularly now that Gonzalez is getting on in years). Winslow is a suitable 10 TE who could be proper 3 if he became into enjoying for a stable team. Crumpler could have purely had an improve at QB (Joey Harrington can throw the ball greater desirable than Vick could desire to, even however he's no longer everywhere close to the runner), yet there's no way that he ranks past to the two Winslow or Heap.

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