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Physics: A certain radar installation used to track airplanes transmits electromagnetic radiation with a wavel?

A certain radar installation used to track airplanes transmits electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength of 2.8 cm.

What is the frequency of this radiation? Express the answer in GHz (Gigahertz).

Find the time required for a pulse of radar waves to reach an airplane 7 km away.

Not just looking for answers, more concerned with steps used. Will be quick to award BA, thanks in advance for any help.

1 Answer

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Take c = 3e8 m/s

    f = c / λ = 3e8m/s / 0.028m = 10.7 GHz

    t = s / v = 7000m / 3e8m/s = 2.3e-5s

    Basic formulae.

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