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Christy asked in TravelUnited StatesBoston · 10 years ago

Where can I find a official Boston Marathon Christmas ornament for 2011?

I have looked online and cannot find one anywhere? Please help.

4 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I would contact the Boston Athletic Association

    they organize the Boston Marathon

    here is a link yo BAA merchandise

    Source(s): ..
  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Boston Christmas Ornaments

  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    Where can I find a official Boston Marathon Christmas ornament for 2011?

    I have looked online and cannot find one anywhere? Please help.

    Source(s): find official boston marathon christmas ornament 2011:
  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    Boston is a superior blend of colonial record and cutting-edge innovation. From the charming cobblestones of Beacon Hill and progressive landmarks of the Freedom Trail, to the well-known reasons of Harvard University and Fenway Park, Boston is a prize chest of Americana and with hotelbye you can have the chance to know this treasure. Boston is known it as the "hold of liberty" and Faneuil Hall is one of many areas must-see similar to the adjoining Faneuil Hall Marketplace, a spot that features three long halls: Quincy Market, North Industry, and South Market. , Faneuil Hall Marketplace is dating from the early 19th century and is currently occupied with a exciting assortment of stores, restaurants, and exhibitions. In good temperature, you will discover block performers and buskers putting on shows in the square across the market.

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