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Lv 4
Slash asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 10 years ago

In 2000, the CBO predicted a complete retirement of our national debt by 2010.?

On advice from the Congress and the President of the United States, we restructured our tax code and were informed " deficits don't matter" because of the size of our GNP. We were warned that the retirement of the debt would cause an economic slowdown because of the lack of safe Treasury investments and the devaluing of the dollar and the cost of money. Now we seem to be against deficits. What happened?

13 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Two unpaid for wars and drastic tax cuts, followed by a major crash caused by wild speculation on credit default swaps.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    LOL - you gotta love the "Obama was elected" answers :) Since he was elected in 2008 it doesn't seem to relevant to this question.

    Basically what you are seeing is the typical Republican hypocrisy I have written about time and again. Deficits don't matter as long as they are in office. The budget surplus was gone as soon as the Bush tax cuts were enacted and then they spent the next few years actually increasing the size of government and starting wars so the deficit skyrocketed. The national debt doubled and even the economy collapsed. Now when we try to do anything to try to fix this these same people start talking about "fiscal responsibility".

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    Bush did the main appropriate ingredient as far with the aid of fact the secure practices of the rustic went,previous that he grew to become into tax and Spend fool. He allowed the fox to run the poultry homestead, economically speaking. No oversight and grew to become into rattling constructive in charge for a extensive element of the mess we are in. yet he had diverse help, with turn a blind eye dems for they have been all being pieced off for something or yet another. in basic terms a classic day in Mr, Rogers community called DC. The left are not going to provide up this fool who's now president for there all going to get wealthy off of this boy., in basic terms the dems working the social classes no longer the rank and report dolts that vote dem or lib,

  • 10 years ago

    GOP and financial crime. Go back to the market warnings of Brooksley Born does it matter at all?.. What do we produce? When you pay the interest on your credit card where were the jobs that produced the goods you bought? So now Walmart is the ideal job for the public sector according to the GOP.

  • 10 years ago

    The republicans didnt' like Clinton's surplus so they turned it into a deficit and they had to lie to support their actions just like they did with Iraq. Now that Obama's President, they're all born again deficit hawks again. They cycle through this every few years.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    It's Sorta like a self destructing Lie.

    A Cinderella lie that turns into a pumpkin at midnight.

    A Poker Players,..Bluff..

    Obama's Debt was already cooked in the books,..War Debt...

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    That was before 9/11 and also 4 years BEFORE "Cheney said "deficts don't matter" so get the story straight! Or at least your "pointlessness" straight!

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    They failed to predict Bush 2's effect on the debt.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Look at the debt spending charts. Government grows and grows

  • ?
    Lv 6
    10 years ago

    Anyone that believes deficits don't matter are idiots.

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