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Copyright Info for "Into Dust" by Mazzy Star?

I wrote a message to Hope Sandoval on her website, but no response. Where do I find the copyright information for Mazzy Star's song "Into Dust?" I doubt that they would mind me using it for a class in college. I'm going to use it in a video, which won't be distributed at all, it will only be showed once or twice within the realm of my class/college. I do not want to profit from it or gain any kind of benefit from using their song, aside from educational purposes of course. I should think Mazzy Star would be happy if I spread their music.

2 Answers

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I wouldn't worry about it. Whoever holds copyright to Mazzy Star songs seems very blasé about claiming them, at least judging by my experience at You Tube. I've uploaded many Mazzy Star recordings to You Tube over the past year, mostly live recordings of rare (unreleased) songs, plus some live versions of album songs, but also one studio recording that was once officially released as a B-side of a '96 single. I've also recently uploaded to YT the two new Mazzy songs from their new single released Oct. 2011 under a new Indie label owned by Mazzy Star called Rhymes of an Hour Records. I imagine Mazzy's older material copyrights are still held by a large record co. Mazzy used to be on the Capitol label, what ever may have happened to it. Not one of my Mazzy uploads, old or new, has ever been spiked via any copyright infringement claim, or else has had any ads put on them by a copyright holder claiming rights to benefit monetarily from google ads placed on "my" uploads/slideshows. All my Mazzy uploads have been left quite unmolested, & unclaimed by any stake or rights holder.

    By contrast, several of my other uploads by other artists have been spiked & removed due to copyright infringement claims. None of my Hope Sandoval & the Warm Inventions uploads have been spiked, but several have had copyright claims placed on them, & google ads now run on them, ads I had no say in approving, ads that do not benefit me at all, but benefit the copyright holder(s). I believe it may be Hope's label Nettwerk Records claiming copyright in those cases. But Nettwerk does not hold any rights to Mazzy songs. Whoever does hold Mazzy copyrights appears pretty indifferent to such use of their songs, so you probably have nothing to worry about, especially for a non-profit endeavor such as you plan. Maybe if you were using it on a commercial video game instead, some one's lawyers would be after you. By the way, I uploaded to You Tube a live version of Mazzy doing the very song you're considering, 'Into Dust". That was 8+months ago, and like all my other Mazzy uploads, no claims have lodged against it by any copyright holder. I imagine no one's likely to bother you about using the song either.

    Also, I believe Hope has (by her own choice) little or no direct personal involvement in her own official site (if she had, surely she would have corrected the many glaringly obvious errors in the "Lyrics" section long ago!). Her webmaster, Colin, in my experience seems a nice enough guy, but can be slow in answering email.

  • 10 years ago

    I don't think that you need permission from the artist to use their music for what you are trying to do. Also, I don't think that the artist would be the person to contact even if you did need permission as the copyright holder is most likely her record label, so they would be the ones you'd contact.

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