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Need help running bf3.?

My specs are as follows: MSI NF750-G55 Board

NVIDIA nForce 750a SLI chipset

4 gig DDR3 mem.

600 W power supply

Dual GeeForce 9500 GT cards 1 gig apiece.

I run this on a 6 gig download and 1 gig upload connection.

I've ran everything up to bfbc2 with no problems. this game i seem to get in and after a short time it stops. Says game is not responding. Sometimes I get the message that directX has a problem. Any ideas?

1 Answer

  • 10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Go here, and try to download this DX version:

    I don't think the geforce 9500 GT supports DX version 11, which is probably what you're trying to run BF3 in, I THINK. I don't know what exact DX version BF3 uses, and DX11 should be backwards compatible with DX10 anyway, so it should work. Anyway this problem should be software related, or limited due to the GPU hardware you have.

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