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? asked in PetsRodents · 10 years ago

Baby mouse is severely sick!?

I just got a baby mouse and he can't be much more than 2 weeks old or so and the first few days he did fine but today he is very ill. He is breathing hard and all stretched out on his tummy. He keeps twitching/convulseing and started pooping out bright green poop. He is very unresponsive, wont stand up but kind of crawls around. He isn't eating but drank a bit earlier but wont now. He lays stationary a lot and then twitches...

Does anyone have any ideas or know whats wrong with him?

Please help.

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    He more than likely has a disease. Be very careful and wash your hands.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    poison would be a foul theory... in basic terms undesirable situation on the subject of the cats eating the mice is they'd capture some disease from them, and probable transmit it to you... which quite isn't as probably, even although you ought to understand that those mice arent precisely completely healthy... yet decrease back to poison. you ought to be careful utilising that, thinking poison which could kill mice may be somewhat risky on your cats. in case you will use poison, have your cats locked up and dont enable them to get close to it, on an identical time as that's getting used. eating poison would reason far greater severe themes than eating mice ever ought to.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    Bring it to a vet

  • ?
    Lv 4
    10 years ago

    Sounds like he is dying.

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