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Communication in history and between generations; is it reasonable and possible?

I recently saw a documentary about Christianity's influence/impact in World War Two Germany.

If two people can read the same words and come to different conclusions, what does that say about the re-telling of history? What does that say about our present and future? And finally, is there a distinction between individual participation and collective participation as a group or a lack thereof?

Again, the same words were read. Again different conclusions were drawn by both with terrible consequences to both.


To my surprise, some in history have blamed Jews in general for the acts of specific Jews in history who turned Jesus Christ over to the Romans to be put to death. I should not be surprised being aware that the same thing has happened to Caucasians regarding slavery and Americans in general regarding American Indians. Yet the consequences are out of proportion. I am not sure that I am using the right words for such an extreme and unusual event. To my knowledge, there really is little to which one might compare World War Two and the events of that time. Some have mentioned the Crusades. Some have mentioned Muslim battles for land and power around the same time period as the Crusades.

Another matter of concern? There is a hint of truth to genetic purity. At least that is what genetic engineers would have us believe. While the method is definitely wrong, is the goal also wrong? Can selective breeding be compared to genetic engineering?

It really isn't that simple. There w

4 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well, you have asked an extremely complex question, which will require a pretty detailed answer. Now, generally speaking communication between generations is possible when both sides approach it with respect and desire to learn. However, when you bring WW2 into discussion, most of us become very emotional. I don't believe that extermination of Jewish people by Nazis was based squarely on the Bible teachings. The situation in Germany in late 1930s was desperate politically and economically speaking. So, when Hitler promised them grandeur and prosperity, they did not question his methods of getting them there. German people never question authority. They take pride in working hard and following instructions passed down to them. It is a cultural tradition that served them well until they had a leader with murderous agenda. Hitler always hated Jews for whatever reason. It could have been his upbringing or his unfortunate experiences in German army during WW1 mixed with general German resentment of financial successes of some of the Jewish families in Germany. However, Hitler used his dislike for the Jews to divert national attention from his lack of education, distrust of educated people and psychological issues he had struggled with his entire life. He was also a very gifted public speaker. So, his fired up nation was excited to show the world their true greatness under tutelage of Adolph Hitler. We all know how it all ended… German diligence and precise working ethic without question had turned them into a nation of monsters responsible for 5 years of daily unimaginable crimes against humanity. We need to learn from that tragedy, because if we don’t, it might happen again. We need to question authority all the time. Not many individuals deserve the blind trust some people give them. That is why we need to keep our eye on them.


    Yes, Christianity has not been kind to Jewish people. However, not every denomination of Christian church blames modern Jews for possible sins of their forefathers. Even though, throughout history Jews had been blamed for plague, hunger, death of Christian children, wars and natural disasters. They had been tortured, burned and murdered from time to time by Christians. We had painted this group of people as an international scapegoat to blame all our misfortunes on. Don't you think they had suffered enough? Don't you think that it is a high time to start judging them on individual basis? Where you can clearly identify decent, intelligent and kind people and discard trash.

    Here is a bit of well known historical information on Crusades: they descended in large and very well equipped for murder groups on Constantinople, which at the time was ruled by Muslim law. However, it also had enormous Christian Byzantine population. So, they fought Muslim army for the right to steal from, rape and murder these people. They had won some and lost some. The loss of life was overwhelming on both sides. However, the local Christians suffered the most at the end. Their churches had been burglarized and destroyed. Their homes were emptied of all valuables. Women were raped and men were murdered. And all that was done by their Christian brothers. Other minorities also suffered, but brunt of the abuse was placed on local Christianity. When I first had learned that in my ancient history class, it had made me sick.

    You must be referring to Inquisition and ‘Arian race’ as a term created by Hitler. I don’t believe in genetic purity. In fact, I find it insulting to millions of people who had lost their very lives because someone did not think they were genetically acceptable. These people did not die in vane. We are lucky to live in modern times in a place where people are free to fall in love with anyone their heart desires. Let’s keep it that way.

    Source(s): PhD in world history
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    No it isn't viable. The normal weight reduction is a million-two kilos every week and that is with vitamin and activity. So at the same time 30 kilos in 6 months is tremendously extra fair, do not permit that deter you out of your target. Start with anything small like 10 kilos within the first month with vitamin and exercise everyday. As time is going on you'll be able to seem thinner and toned.

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago

    What words are you talking about. If your saying the germans were inspired by the bible to commit those terrible acts you are very wrong. Actually hitler and some of his top advisors and officers were known to have ties to the occult.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    Evidence is in the experience of it all.It goes beyond words and opinions. The proof is in the putting...not in what one may say about it.

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