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Lv 6
? asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 9 years ago

Muslims, what do you think of the fasting practices of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church........?

They have 7 major fasts a year:

1)The Great Lent fast(56 days)

2)The Fast of the Apostle(10-40 days)

3)The Fast of Assumption(16 days)

4)The Advent Fast(40 days)

5)The Gahad of Christmas(Christmas Eve)

6)The Fast of Nineveh(Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in the Third Week before Lent)

7)The Gahad of Epiphany, on the even of Epiphany

They have what they call Strict Abstinence periods of fasting, and fasting periods in which certain foods such as fish, or vegetables are allowed. Great Lent fast(which is 56 days) tends to be one of the Strict Abstinence periods because for them it is a time when they are preparing themselves mentally, spiritually and physically for Holy Week(Good Friday and Easter Sunday). As such they are prohibited from food or water from midnight, until 6 pm(18 hours a day).

I saw a tally that showed that out of a 365 day year, they spend 250 days of it fasting


@ Phoenix Star, they train their bodies to get use to it, but if someone is unable to keep the fast for health reasons they are an exception

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Is that even healthy?

    @Janhoi- Oh ok. I actually found this fascinating. This is the first time I've heard of this.

  • hadson
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    For a Muslim, you nonetheless have confidence in Jesus because of the fact the Son of God, they do no longer seem to be going to care approximately your practices. they are going to nonetheless see you as a Kafir. that's like asking an Orthodox Christian what they think of approximately Jehovah's Witnesses and attempting practice a assessment of likeness between the two theologies. i will inform you, as an Orthodox Christian what i think of of the Ethiopian Church. i think the Church of Ethiopia to be heterodox and monophysitic. Ethiopia would not fall below the churches of the Seven Ecumenical Councils and has been deemed heterodox by ability of the Patrichates of the Ecumenical councils. The Church of Ethiopia would not totally settle for the two natures of Christ making it impossible for his or her Bishops to be in finished communion with the the remainder of the Orthodox international. is this an important issue to me? no. For all I care, i think all Orthodox churches could be in communion... different churches that fall below the identify heterodox/monophysites: Armenian Orthodox Church, The Coptic Orthodox Church, Any Byzantium Church this is in finished communion with Rome, i.e. The Maronites, The Ruthenians, etc....

  • ?
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    I doubt fasting so frequently and for so long each time is healthy.

    What do I think? Islam emphasizes being moderate in religion. Religion must be balanced with other aspects of life. You can't focus so much on religion that you neglect your family, and your duties and responsibilities in the world. The prophet himself wasn't given to excessive fasting or spending too much time with worship. He made plenty of time for his family, his friends and for all Muslims.

  • 9 years ago

    why are they fasting 250 days out of 365 days? Thats just like killing urself, literally. I mean muslims fast 30 days out of the whole year which is fine but that ^^ is just too much :)

  • 9 years ago

    This was my religion before accepting Islam.

    In Orthodox Christianity, they fast s a means of trying to pruify themselves. But, really, I don't see it as fasting. In Islam, fasting is not eating, period, which I find MUCH more rewarding.

    In OC, you don't eat meat, fish, oils, alcohol when fasting. All there is to eat is rice!!!!

    In my opinion/experience, there is much more reward in not eating at all.

  • 9 years ago

    The Eastern Orthodox religion is a relic of the Byzantine Empire, and is overloaded with pomp and ceremony and fancy costumes and Feast Days. Two groups of them had a violent scrap with each other just the other day in Jerusalem. All religions are ultimately nonsense, but the Eastern Orthodox takes the Christian cake!

  • Peach
    Lv 6
    9 years ago

    That I don't care.

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