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Remember when Obama said it was irresponsible & unpatriotic to drive up national debt?

No libs, you don't?

The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up the national debt from 5 trillion for the first 42 presidents — number 43 added 4 trillion dollars by his lonesome, so that we now have 9 trillion dollars of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That’s irresponsible. It’s unpatriotic.

President Obama has added another $4 trillion all by his lonesome. In just two and a half years, no less. That’s $ 46,930 for every man, woman, and child.

Is that irresponsible? Is it unpatriotic? Or do the new rules regarding civility in public discourse render such questions (especially when uttered by Tea Partiers/terrorists) irresponsible and unpatriotic?

14 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I remember Obama saying a lot of things:

    Transparent government/Health care debate on CSPAN

    No lobbyists

    End the Patriot Act

    End warrantless wiretaps

    End wars and bring home troops

    End DADT

    Close GITMO/end indefinite detention without charges

    Oppose health insurance mandate and fine

    Allow imported prescription drugs

    Reform free trade

    Stop the flow of assault weapons from the USA into Mexico



    ONE AND DONE!!!!!!

  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    the only way that he extra $4 T to the debt is by ability of including the two unfunded wars that Bush created with Afghanistan and Iraq. Bush stored them off the funds and unfunded. Obama regarded them and extra to the funds. Had Bush finished that then his spending could have a techniques outreached the different President, which includes Obama.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Do as they say, not as they do... socialism is for the people, not the socialists.

    They're quick to forget such things, such as the fact that the very same failed policies that Obama campaigned against are the exact same policies of big government, fiscal irresponsibility, and corporate croneyism that he has been using.

  • Ed
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Iraq War Lives on as Second-Costliest U.S. Conflict Fuels Debt

    2011-12-27 05:00:29.0 GMT

    By Mike Dorning

    Dec. 27 (Bloomberg) — The war in Iraq is officially over.

    The costs will go on.

    Eight years of dodging improvised explosive devices,

    repelling insurgent ambushes and quelling sectarian strife

    already has drained the U.S. of more treasure than any conflict

    in the nation’s history except World War II.

    Even though the last U.S. combat troops have left Iraq,

    American taxpayers will face decades of additional expenses,

    from veterans’ health care and disability benefits to interest

    on the debt accumulated to finance the war.

    “Those costs are going to build for years,” said Todd

    Harrison, a senior fellow at the Center for Strategic and

    Budgetary Assessments, a Washington-based research group.

    That burden will come amid growing concern about the

    federal government’s debt, with cuts to popular programs such as

    Medicare and to national defense being debated. Spending so far

    on the war and related interest payments make up about a tenth

    of the U.S. Treasury’s $10.4 trillion in publicly held debt.

    Direct federal spending on the war through 2012 will reach

    $823 billion, surpassing the $738 billion in inflation-adjusted

    dollars the U.S. spent on the Vietnam War, the Congressional

    Research Service estimated in a March 29 report. Only World War

    II had a higher direct cost, $4.1 trillion, in current dollars.

    Not counted in that is the interest of more than $200

    billion the federal government has already had to pay on the

    resulting debt, said Linda Bilmes, a senior lecturer in public

    finance at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.

  • 9 years ago

    So you thinks its Obama's problem ? The Gop took control of the House and added 1.2 trillion to the debt with this years budget that they voted for(Ryan Plan). We spend more on the Military , The Wars and homeland security than we collect in federal income taxes, until that is addressed we will continue to add to the debt

  • 9 years ago

    The debt was accumulated over decades and it was increased by the huge decrease in revenue because of the recession. Insufficient revenue to fulfill generational promises like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid the government made decades ago plus the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Not by Obama’s increase in discretionary spending.


    Fiscal year 2001: $1.86 trillion

    Fiscal year 2002: $2.01 trillion

    Fiscal year 2003: $2.16 trillion

    Fiscal year 2004: $2.29 trillion

    Fiscal year 2005: $2.47 trillion

    Fiscal year 2006: $2.66 trillion

    Fiscal year 2007: $2.73 trillion

    Fiscal year 2008: $2.98 trillion

    Fiscal year 2009: $3.52 trillion President Bush

    Fiscal year 2010: $3.46 trillion President Obama

  • 9 years ago

    Who was he speaking to?

    Tea Party Congressional bullies.

    America gets it

    Keep running up the bill and complaining........It is waking up America and they are Educated!

    Besides we are charging everything and buying gold and silver. How do ya think that is going to work out in the next crash

    I am no dummy. CHARGE IT!!! Best part is you can use cc for gold if you are smart!

    There are many ways to hedge against the Tea Party

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Yes --- I also remember when BHO promised he would cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term in office

    Of course when you point these facts out to liberals ......they go into their imitation of Vinny Barberino on 'Welcome Back Kotter " proclaiming " Who ?......What ?.......When ?.......How ?........When ?.......Why ? "and........when that fails.......they start proclaiming ' Oh yeah?........well....even though Bush hasn't been President for over two years now.......It's still Bush's fault......I mean it's Nixon's fault.......yeah !........right !!........tha's the ticket!!! is Nixon's fault !!!! '

  • Sarah
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    Yes, he said to 4 trillion. Obama has spent 1.44 trillion.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Nobody watches Barry's speeches.

    They are -- as Shakespeare said -- "a tale told by an idiot; full of sound and fury but signifying nothing."

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