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Which branch of the military should I join?

Before you answer, let me explain myself and my situation. I am not joining the military to make a career out of it, or because I have some dream of "defending my country" or following my father's footsteps or something. I know that sounds bitter and is probably giving anyone reading this a terrible impression of me, but hear me out. I absolutely NEED to join the military. I'm going to try to avoid giving my life story, but basically, I screwed up high school and my life went drastically downhill. I started doing drugs, stealing, and just had no life. I finally snapped out of it and got my act together, setting my sights on the military as somewhat of a "last resort" since I had no money and lacked the means to get anywhere in life otherwise. So my aunt let me borrow her car to take classes at the community college nearby so that I could earn the required 15 college credits to get in. At first I was only expecting to get into maybe the Army, National Guard or Marines or something, but the realization soon came to me that since I have absolutely no record (I've never been caught for any of the many illegal things I've done, thank god) that I could actually join a higher branch, such as the Navy or the Coast Guard, or maybe even the Air Force.

So, background aside, let's get to the meat of the question. What do I want from the military? I want a new beginning.. a real start in life. Not only financially, but spiritually (I am not religious, but I still find that word appropriate for my circumstance). I want to break myself down and build myself back up as a new man, and leave my current pathetic life behind me. My dream is to be a writer because I absolutely love to write and tell stories. This is probably obvious just by looking at how long this question is. Now, of course, I do realize that the military isn't by any means going to need me as a writer. Becoming a writer (specifically, screenplays) is just something I highly wish to pursue once I am done with my three year enlistment. However, for the sake of maintaining the purpose of this post, and to even keep it within the character limit, let's move on...

Over the last half of 2011, I have improved myself significantly. I have set aside my past ways and loaded up with six classes in one semester at the community college I attended (which is a ridiculously large amount to take in one semester, so large that my college adviser was actually scared for me, but I needed all of them to earn all the required credits in only one semester).

I have passed every single class through what many would perceive as some kind of miracle, given my financial and living situation, and I am now prepared to join the military. This is where I need help; everything I have typed leading up to this was said so that the Yahoo users who will be answering this question will be able to make a completely informed answer based on my specific situation. Let me readdress a few things, to be clear. I do not want a career out of the military. I know that what I want to do with my life is to be a writer because not only do I enjoy it, but I know I have the ability. I also have no desire to go to combat. Ideally, i'd like my experience in the military to be completely safe, but still a great learning and growing experience that I will be able to reflect on throughout the rest of my life and career. Basically, I want my time in the military to be highly beneficial on a personal level, but I don't want to risk injury or death. I know that sounds extremely selfish after taking into account all the men who go across seas and die for their country without flinching, who have risked and still risk their lives to preserve our freedoms as Americans, but believe it or not, I do appreciate that and realize how honor bound they are as individuals; certainly more honorable than I will ever be. It's simply not my priority, however.

In conclusion, I will now state my question in the clearest possible manner: after having taken all I have said here into account (as long and rambling as it may be), which branch of the military should I join in order to advance my life and earn enough money so that I can move on after my enlistment ends, allowing me to begin my life anew through furthering my education and becoming the better person that I want to be?

I realize that this is one hell of a story to read by Yahoo Answer's standards, and i'd like to thank anyone who has made it this far. I really need some guidance on this, and as you can probably tell, I'm a little lost in this world right now. I need to know what to get myself into. I need to know what would be best for me.

9 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't join the military. It's not a job to be taken lightly or to be so set on yourself. Even jobs that do not see combat still have sacrifice to make. You sound like you would be better off joining like the Peace Corps or the Red Cross. You can still have an experience and grow.

    Source(s): 6 years Army Infantry
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Everyone comes from different backgrounds and joins for different reasons. From one high school screw up to another, congrats on working to turn your life around. Unfortunately, the military has become very hard to get into recently, so don't expect it to be easy. If you have any police record, your chances are very slim. Also, medical waivers take some time now as well. You will have to talk to a recruiter to get all the details. But in regards on what branch to join, it's hard to say since you didn't list your interests.The safest branch is the Navy, but joining the military and expecting to stay safe is like driving on New Year's Eve right after midnight and expecting not to get hit by any drunk drivers, you're choosing to put yourself in that position. Honestly, I believe the USMC's boot camp is the best at molding men and women into better people. They break the civilian out of you better than any other branch and build you into what they want you to be. Good luck with everything!

    Source(s): enlisting in the U.S. Army
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago


  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Did you really have to type all of that? i just read "I am not joining the military to make a career out of it"

    if you dont want a career then join the air force.

  • 9 years ago

    Sounds like trying the air force would be best but do some esearch to find what branches have the most MOS's you would be most interested In

  • 9 years ago

    check out the army MOS 46Q its a journalism job and in the army this is guaranteed though there may be a waiting list

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Salvation Army ?!?!

  • 9 years ago

    You should join the army.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    straight up man join the marines ... there most discipline and i read your story that's what it looks like you need ...

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