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Anonymous asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 9 years ago

I'm 16 and 160, I'm trying to lose weight and get into better any good workout routines?

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are plenty of good workout routines that will help you lose weight. If you don't have any equipment like a treadmill, weights, or a workout bench then you can do simple exercises that don't require equipment. Like sit ups, push ups, running up and down stairs, jumping jacks, ect. You should also be exercising at least 4 times a week. Staying consistent makes a huge difference in losing weight, if you say your going to workout certain days don't give yourself excuses, workout! Also, don't over workout, always give yourself one day to rest after a day of workouts, then continue more the next day. If you really want to lose weight faster it's not only about exercising it's about how you eat too. Stop eating junk food and start eating healthy, the biggest loser website has a lot of great meals to supplement bad meals. also, portion sizes matter, and stop eating all the time, have regular meals, breakfast lunch and dinner, and a small healthy snack in between lunch and dinner and one a little while after dinner. Have a banana, apple, yogart, warm milk with a little bit of honey, whichever you perfer. I know this is a lot, but if you follow it you'll be dropping pounds within the first two weeks, good luck with everything :-) stay consistent my friend

    Source(s): I've done all of these things before, and know it really does work.
  • 9 years ago

    The workout doesn't matter. Just get up and DO SOMETHING. Doing something will make all the difference, no matter what it is. Also, watch what you eat. Try not to go over 2000 calories a day. It helps.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    80% of weight loss is diet.

    You can eat a healthy diet and lose weight.

    You can eat a healthy diet and exercise and lose more weight.

    You can exercise and eat a poor diet and not lose and even gain weight.

    A good healthy diet high in fiber, lean meats, eggs, complex carbohydrates, whole grains, antioxidant foods, healthy beverages and low in added sugar and salt help people lose weight, lower cholesterol, increase energy, improve brain function, lower blood pressure, reduce cancer risk and have a more positive lifestyle!

    Fruits and vegetables have good fiber in them. A high fiber diet increases the metabolism. Try a breakfast cereal with at least 20% of recommended daily allowance of fiber in it. They are usually low in sugar so there is a double benefit. Blueberries or raspberries on top add more fiber and antioxidants. But fresh or frozen, not the kind in syrup.

    Raw nuts are a great source of fiber, healthy fats, and antioxidants. Avocados are the best.

    Lots of beans, peas, and grains are high fiber. Whole grain breads. Fiber kicks up the metabolism so you actually burn more calories. These foods will give you more gas in the beginning but if eaten daily, the bacteria in the digestive tract will elevate lowering the gas output.

    This will get you on the path for a healthy daily bowel movement. This helps clean the system and aids healthy digestion.

    I know it goes against everything you've heard but eating lots of the right foods will actually help you lose weight!

    Last, you have to drink lots of water to be healthy. But you can disguise it. Fill your glass all the way full with ice before pouring low sugar beverages. Try iced green tea with a splash of orange juice in it for sweet. More antioxidants. Add lemon juice to water for flavor. Slice up a cucumber and float it in pitcher of water. Gives it salty fresh taste. But you must drink up to 100 oz of water daily to help your body get rid of waste and the natural toxins.

    You must combine a healthy diet with exercise to multiply the benefit. Whether an hour a day in the weight room or just a 30 minute brisk walk every day, the added benefit of a regular exercise program really do increase and accelerate healthy weight loss.

    Eat Healthy - lean meat with 2 spoons of rice and salad. If you are still hungry eat soup.

    (Keep track of how many calories you eat.)

    Do exercise- Exercise is an important weight loss tool. Do activities you like. Do you like dancing? ride a bike? swimming? playing football? Whatever you like, DO!

    Instead of...

    An afternoon Coke

    Do this...

    Drink a glass of water. (calories saved: 97)

    Instead of...

    An Egg McMuffin

    Do this...

    Eat a small whole wheat bagel +1 Tbsp of peanut butter (calories saved: 185)

    Instead of...

    Using your break eat sweets

    Do this...

    Walk up and down a flight of stairs for 10 minutes (calories burned: 100)

    Instead of...

    Watching TV after work

    Do this...

    Do 10 minutes of yoga (calories burned: 50)

    Hope this helps you.

    Good luck and good health.

  • 5 years ago

    90 minute kayak ride

  • 9 years ago

    im in about the same position. i'd be willing to be your weightloss buddy :) let me know. email me at :)

  • 5 years ago

    food and drink swaps

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