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The Hunger Games - Mockingjay ending?!?
I literally just finished Mockingjay and I feel so empty :(
I love the series so much and was enjoying Mockingjay up until when Finnick died :( PRIM?! When she died I was crying. Then it just seemed like so many people were dying that it was losing meaning.
I was holding out for Katniss to end up with Gale throughout the whole series, so I was soo gutted when she ended up with Peeta?! I felt like her and Gale had a real connection. I liked Peeta but I didn't feel like Katniss ever really truly loved him. And he didn't feel like the old Peeta anymore, it seemed so unrealistic that he could suddenly love her again. Katniss and Gale didn't even get a real goodbye :( How could she just let go of him like that? And her mother?
I just feel like it was rushed, it feels so unfinished. I know they're just books but i love them so much :(
Anyone else agree with me?
I do agree that the book shouldn't have ended with a cliche fairytale style, because I loved the series for being the opposite, but it but it almost did in a way (with Peeta getting better, falling back in love with Katniss, the children). I guess it was just this whole horrible build up and then the last pages this all happened quickly and it just didn't seem right.
I guess all the deaths were important though, because it was war so death was obviously inevitable - but that still doesn't cancel out the fact that you do get attached to the characters and it makes you upset when they have such an abrupt death!
But anyway, it's nice to hear all your opinions anyway whether you agree or not :)
17 Answers
- Anonymous9 years ago
YES! I just finished the books and I did love them but I was disappointed with the ending. There was so much build up to the last fight and killing Snow and then she passed out! I thought a lot of the deaths were totally unnecessary and when Prim died I just sort of felt like, if she's dying now, what was the point in Katniss volunteering for the Games to start with? The ending just felt rushed after the plans and missions being so dragged out, like Gale and her mother just disappearing. I was glad she ended up with Peeta, but it felt like neither of them were happy, even the way she spoke about the kids she seemed too distant to love them :( I knew the characters would be different by the time the war ended, but I really wasn't expecting such drastic changes :(
I loved the first two books and I did like Mockingjay. I liked that there was never the fairytale perfect ending, but a bit more hope or happiness at the end would have been nice :) The Mockingjay should have lived, not just survived.
Rant Over :)
- RuthieLv 79 years ago
I just finished the book the other day and I'm still not sure how I feel about the ending. I was actually rooting for Peeta but I honestly thought she would end up with Gale because of the exact reasons you stated.
And I agree the ending did feel very rushed, I was also disappointed that Katniss was not the one to kill Snow, although I do see how her strategy was necessary to avoid continuing the cycle but I feel slightly robbed of that glory moment for her.
I also think that her agreeing to one last Hunger Games with the children from the Capitol was completely out of character. I know Prim had just died and wars change people but I felt like the true essence of who Katniss was died in the book the moment she said 'yes'.
Overall I do love the series though and like you I felt drained and emotionally overstimulated (I had also had a very hard day, probably wasn't the best idea to finish the book lol)
- Insert Name HereLv 69 years ago
Yes, I feel the book was rushed, too. I like the series, especially the post-apocalyptic and dystopian concept, but to be honest I think the series would have been better if Collins was more elaborate. There were some parts in the series where things are just somehow put there. Pronto. No sufficient build-up.
And Finnick, why did you have to die? D:
As for the deaths, I think it's a key element in the series, what with the genre. It's action and fiction-reality, so people have to die, so you get the picture of how much oppression there is, and of how big the situation is, etc.
"I didn't feel like Katniss ever truly loved him." A friend said Katniss wasn't really in love with either. It was like she was just forced to be with Peeta because she was the only one left. But from how I see it, if there was anybody Katniss was romantically drawn to, it would have to be Peeta. And true, Katniss and Gale didn't have a proper goodbye. It disturbs me somehow, although I ship Peeta and Katniss (sorry).
Although the ending was intented to be happy, I can't help but feel sad and feel like some things are missing.
- 9 years ago
OMG i just finished it like an hour ago and i agree completely!!
I reallyyy wanted her to end up with Gale, but i could tell by the way their kisses were described that they couldn't end up together. No matter how much Gale loved her, she didn't feel the same way and it seemed forced. When he said that She would choose who she couldn't survive without. I assumed that either 1. They would both( Peeta and Gale) die. or 2. She would end up with the boy who she felt so guilty about leaving. At one point Beetee says that he felt bad about taking Gale away so much. Katniss then realized that she hadn't really even missed him.
2. i absolutely HATED how many people died in this book. It seemed as though she decided to just kill anyone she ever mentioned. i understood it was a war, but honestly she didn't spend enough time on any characters death. Not even Prim. When the cat came back and Katniss was screaming at it, i couldn't stop crying. Her admitting it seemed final.
3. Peeta didn't seem like the same boy to me. It seemed rushed that all of a sudden they were back together. I would have simply enjoyed them talking like before. It seemed like the author was trying to please fans without actually taking the time to give them the proper ending that they needed.
4. Finally, the thing that i felt like was terrible was Katniss and Gale.. they were best friends! Prim might have died because of Gale (although, that can't be certain) but he didn't say Sorry or even attempt to do any "damage control" he just kind of ... gave up. I really wanted them to still be friends.
Although Mockingjay was kind of disappointing. I thought the series was brilliant!
One last note though, does anyone know why Snow was laughing when Katniss killed Coin?
- 5 years ago
I feel the same way. Why didn't Gale visit Katniss or anything? And why does her mother stay behind?
The ending wasn't really a happy ending. The fact that only Peeta, Kakniss and Haymitch went back home together is just sad.
Oh yeah, and Katniss should have chosen Gale.
- Anonymous9 years ago
I agree with the deaths of Finnick and Prim. I felt that was unnecessary. I loved that Katniss ended up with Peeta just because I fell in love with him and Katniss in the Hunger Games. I agree that he wasn't the same person. But in the beginning didn't Katniss not love him? I think it was his change that made her love him. I felt that she had to lose her mother and Gale to add to the fact that she needed to start her life over and let go of everything (the Games, Snow, starving etc.)
- Anonymous9 years ago
I personally have always loved Peeta and wanted him and Katniss to be together from the start, but I agree the ending kinda sucked! It was really rushed and left me feeling empty also. The only thing that really bugged me at the end was how she seemed so unhappy. I mean, I know a lot happened to her, but to me it seemed like she would rather be dead. But I cried too when Finnick died, especially since he just married Annie, and I was bawling after Prim died, I absolutely loved her!
- Anonymous9 years ago
Hmm, even if you wanted her to end up with Gale, wasn't it obvious enough that she would end up with Peeta? I didn't find that a surprise at all.
For me, I felt like the ending was rushed. The epilogue seemed silly, as if them and their kids were the only people in the world. We still don't know if her mother gets to see her grandchildren. We still don't know how Snow died; without him, there would have been no third book. And Katniss and Peeta changed the world. Literally. So don't they go down in history for that? Not even a statue of them? It just seemed as if they were dumped in the middle of nowhere and were forgotten about. Katniss mentioned how she didn't want kids, and that Peeta kept insisting, and so they finally had kids. I dunno, I just don't think Katniss was in love with Peeta as much as he was. In fact, he wasn't exactly that in love with her from the start, as he used to go to school with her, and Katniss mentions how she would sit alone at the table and see Peeta around. I think Katniss and Gale ditched contact with each other because Gale was somehow responsible for Prim's death. I think. I remember reading a review where someone said he had something to do with it; or didn't look after her while Katniss went off to kill Snow (and ended up killing Coin).
- Anonymous9 years ago
okay first of all when prim died... i was like NO JUST NO :((
i didnt know prim died at first, i was confused about the parachutes. but then katniss says something like shes gone and i was.... ugh i dont even want to talk about it. and i cant believe finnick died right after he and annie got married! so many deaths, it was so gruesome.
SAME HERE! i hated the way gale just leaves, and katniss practically just dimisses him in the end like "i didnt need fire and hatred from gale... what i needed was a dadelion (peeta)" something like that, not the exact words but whatever. i was at least expecting some last words but nooo, hes gone and she practically doesnt care. i was kind of pissed reading that part. i like peeta too but... i dont really know what i was expecting i guess. but it surely wasnt this lol.
and yeah, the ending was way rushed. but oh well, i knew it wasnt gonna be all rah-rah so yeah
but i still love the series, made me realize all the things i take for granted :)<3
cant wait for the movie :D
- Anonymous9 years ago
I think that the ending was good because she explained how she needed Peeta in her life. Also gale was never really there for her in the end of the book. But i do agree, Finnick and Prim did not need to die!