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Is this an unreasonable reason to be mad at my boyfriend?

He is in South Africa. I am in the US. He has been traveling for 3 days and i haven't talked to him any of those days. not even a hello or I love you. He got back to Johannesburg today and had internet access with skype and everything else like yahoo texting since he doesn't have a phone over there. I woke up to facebook messages saying that he loved and missed me and then one saying he was going out for new years with his friends and was staying at their house so he wouldn't be able to talk to me. He said he loved me and told me happy new year.

I'm so pissed off he didn't take the time to text me to wake me up so we could skype. Now he is out and he won't be back until probably 5 AM my time when I'll be fast asleep!

I'm so mad! He is not respecting my time and did not bother to even call or text me.

Am I wrong? Should I tell him I'm mad? Is he being unfair?

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    You're not wrong, but maybe you're a little too clingy.

    First things first: Even without travelling the globe, guys need time with their idiot friends. No girl I've ever dated (or even met) likes it when this happens, but it does and must happen. We all need a bit of idiot friend time, and yes all our friends are idiots, and no we're not always thinking of ways to be more romantic. You'll have to just date / marry girls if you can't handle that.

    Second, this guy did take the time to send you lots of mushy-gushy messages on facebook, so it's not like he totally ignored you. Believe me, many guys wouldn't even do that. Maybe he didn't want to wake you up because you might not like that. Have you considered that possibility?

    He needs his space like a normal guy, but at least he met you half way by telling you he loves you and missed you.

    If you're going to get mad, only get half-mad. The other half should actually be pretty happy.

  • Andy R
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I think you are over-reacting. Give the guy a little space or you'll push him away.

    He did contact you.

    He'd only been gone a couple of days so Skying not really that important.

    Travel time plus the holiday period - seem like fine reasons for little contact to me.

    Again, he DID contact you to let you know and tell you he loves you.

    You should be enjoying your time and space and giving him the same.

    These separations strengthen relationships, but only if you don't get all controlling about it.

  • 9 years ago

    we're in the same situation.. right now we're not both talking.. im giving him the space he probably is needing... guess being to clingy is not a good thing... im trying to understand things although its hard.. goodluck to us..

    Source(s): me
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    no you're not wrong

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I think you are beng a little unreasonable. As soon as he got home from travelling he contacted you and told you what he was going to be doing. He didn't wake you up because he was being considerate. How about you schedule a time when you can both be awake at a reasonable hour to talk?

  • 9 years ago

    Well, he did tell you and contacted you still.

    He didnt left you hanging on space wondering where he is at or whats he doing.

    He told you he loves you.

    You can be pissed but dont get it overboard, you dont want him to be coming back with a pissed face from you.

    Calm it down a few and see how it goes when he gets back.

  • 9 years ago

    Just wait for him to come back and talk it through with him in person.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Give him a chance. I'm sure he's so busy playing tourist trying to enjoy as much as he can. If you love him and trust him I think you have reason to be upset or hurt but not mad. He took time to message you so your in his thoughts. I say relax and enjoy New Year's and hope he brings you home something pretty!

  • 9 years ago

    I think it's an over reaction on your part, but your reasoning is right.

    Tell him it annoyed you, but don't start screaming at him.

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