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Tangent circles in geometric progression.?

Circles are in geometric progression if their radii R_n are in geometric progression R_n =r^n with r not equal to 1, and their centers can be isometrically mapped on the complex plane so that their images z_n, are also in geometric progression z_n = z^n.

The question is: what is the maximum length of a geometric sequence of circles such that there exists a circle (not in the sequence) tangent to all of them.


@ Scythian The loxodromic sequence is indeed a geometric sequence, since it is globally self similar.'s_loxodromic_...

You rightly assumed that the circles of the sequence need not be tangent to each other or exterior or anything.

The question is now, can you beat 6? If not how many solutions do you have for 6?

A good pic from you would be as convincing as anything!

Steiner chains do not seem to provide the solution

Indeed the centers of the circles on such a chain are either on an ellipse or a hyperbola while the centers of a geometric sequence lie on a logarithmic spiral.

Update 2:

Edit. You are right Scythian, the loxodromic sequence does not give 6 because the six circles are indeed part of a geometric sequence but are not consecutive in that sequence. Therefore the maximum length given by this example is 3.

Update 3:

@ Scythian. Very nice pic. It should work, but why not 6?

Update 4:

@Scythian: just one thing, is the progression for the radii different from the progression for the |z_i| in your second pic?

Update 5:

@Scythian Here is a pic.

The red circles and the black ones belong to 2 families of circles in geometric progression. Each circle of one family is tangent to 6 consecutive circles of the other family. Everything can be computed explictely but I forgot how...

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think you need to clarify whether the circles in geometric progression are tangent to each other or not. Makes a big difference.

    Let's assume that they don't have to be. Then 3 variables describe the circles in geometric progression, namely r, and x, y in z = x + iy. For 3 circles, there will always be a circle(s) tangent to all three, defined by R, X, Y. Essentially, we could have a set of 6 equations to solve for 6 unknowns, r, x, y, R, X, Y, for a "maximum length of 6" but it is very likely that the few solutions that exist are going to be trivial cases. So, I'd put my money on 5 circles being the maximum, although I only have an hazy idea of how to start cranking out some numbers, and I will need some time. Would you accept an approximation, as "exact solutions" seems hopelessly out of reach?

    It is possible that there is some kind of a Steiner chain situation here where you can have as many as you want, but I kind of doubt it.

    Edit: This mention of "loxodromic sequence" of circles probably doesn't count because the centers aren't of the form z^n, if I understand the problem correctly.

    Edi 2: No, the only thing I know for sure is a sequence of 4 circles. I'm sure 5 is possible. 6 seems like a stretch, except in trivial cases, such as r = 1 being forced or that all of the circles pass through (0,0). Anything more than 6 will require a whole rethink of this problem. I am assuming that the centers of the circles can be mapped on the complex plane as z^n, instead of just anywhere. Also, no, the Steiner chain itself cannot ever be a solution, I was merely referring to the possibility of something like it, although I have no idea of how it would even work. I'm pretty sure the number of circles is limited, and my best guess right now is just 5.

    Edit 3: See link for graphic of a sequence of 5 circles, where

    z = 1.27 Cos(220) + 1.27 Sin(220) i

    r = 0.87

    R = 2.444

    X = 0.425

    Y = -0.092

    This is very loosey-goosey stuff, I'm not even sure if there's an exact solution in this arrangement.

    Edit 4: gianlino, where I am right now, it's 3 am in the morning. See next graphic, a nicer, more expected arrangement, but no 6. I have no idea how to bring in the 6th one. Tomorrow's Sunday.

    Edit 5: 2nd pic specs:

    z = 1.66 Cos(121.7) + 1.66 Sin(121.7) i

    r = 1.455

    R = 5.941

    X = 2.483

    Y = -1.565

    (fixed specs on R circle)

    Edit 5: 3rd pic specs:

    z = 1.40 Cos(128.5) + 1.40 Sin(128.5) i

    r = 1.10

    R = 3.398

    X = 0.989

    Y = -0.253

    It isn't too much trouble finding solutions where there are 5 circles tangent to a common one, maybe I'll pick one and perfect it to a higher degree of accuracy. However, getting all 6 seems hopeless, and more than 6 seems impossible. I can't visualize how it would even look.

    Edit 6: Yes, it is possible, for each angle (argument), to iteratively work out a solution where the first 5 are tangent to a common circle, leaving the 6th one "hanging out". Then it's just a matter of checking out all the possible angles from 0 to 180. If the 6th one won't come in, then there is no solution that I can see. At least for the case where 3 circles are inside and 3 circles are outside the common circle tangent to all. Now, let me try a whole different approach.

    Edit 7: All right, have a look at the 4th solution, 4th link:

    z = 0.725 Cos(142) + 0.725 Sin(142) i

    r = 0.545

    R = 0.213

    X = 0.036

    Y = -0.0078

    It looks like a 6 circle solution, but I don't believe it's a real solution. If it is, then there is something deeper going on that I don't understand yet.

    Edit 8: Let's see if I can reverse engineer the pic you've posted. This is the kind special non-trivial case where we have exactly 6 circles sharing a common tangent circle, in an infinite sequence of sequences. The question is, are the centers of those circles of the form z^n? I'll find out, maybe later tonight or tomorrow.

    The point is, there's an infinity of solutions where there are 5 circles, but it was a question whether there exists any special 6 circle solutions that aren't trivial. Now the question is, are there any more? There can only be a finite number of such solutions. I must admit this is very fascinating.

    Edit 9: In order for to have self-similar sequences of sequences of circles, as depicted by your picture, the radii of the circles need an extra variable, namely radius = a r^n, not just r^n. That means 7 degrees of freedom, not 6. So, there should be an infinity of solutions in that case. Yes, that is the classic definition of a geometric progression, but I took R_n =r^n to mean that a = 1. Anyway, I think I am running out of space here, Y!A is going to truncate me soon.

  • 9 years ago

    Coxter's Loxodromic sequence of tangent circles Is an infinite sequence of circles arranged such that any 4 circles in the sequence are pairwise mutually tangent. That means that each circle in the sequence is tangent to the 3 circles that precede it and also to the three circles that follow it. Hence the maximum length of a geometric sequence of circles such that there exists a circle tangent to all of them and not included in sequence is 6.

    Source(s): Wikipidia
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