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Meg asked in PetsOther - Pets · 9 years ago

Old Horse with twitching problem. Please Help!?

I just went out to feed my Old Mare named Buttercup and I noticed on her flank she was twitching really bad. There wasn't any flies and it had just rained. It's sort of hard to explain what if felt like, but when I placed my hand there on her flank I could feel like blood pumping! It sorta scares me. She's eating fine and acting normal, but I would like to know what is going on! Thank you for all your answers. God bless!

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer


    I am sorry your horse has twitching problems

    It does sound from description as though something is irritating his skin. This could be flies or mites on the skin surface.

    Have a really good look on the skin areas aground the shoulders, but also looking into his mane and tail base as these are the commonest place lice live. The look like tiny specks of brown and can be seen to move if you look long enough. It is easy to treat with lice pour ons.

    The other things which could cause muscle twitching would be pain in the area of the muscle from a strain or some more unusual muscle disorders.

    Horses can tremble when they 'tie up' but I would expect him to be showing other more generalised signs of discomfort.

    The more significant muscle disorders such as tetanus would be progressive and he would be visibly unwell and your description doesn't fit this.

    So for the time being I wouldn't be concerned.

    Have a good look for any skin parasites/cuts/rashes.

    If you find nothing then observe and if it persists another day then get a vet check, if new signs are appearing, he is off food, rolling or the twitching is affecting other muscles then get a vet out straight away.

    Good luck and I am sure he will be fine

    Source(s): Read more: My horse is twitching in his shoulder area uncontrolably. Also - JustAnswer
  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    Talk to your vet.

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