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? asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 9 years ago

MAIN differences between Shia and Sunni People?

9 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sorry this is a bit long.

    Sunnis believe that after the Prophet SAWA died, he hadn't assigned anyone for the Muslims to follow after him and therefore most of the Ummah gathered together in the “Saghifa” and chose a successor (Caliph) for the Prophet SAWA and that Caliph was Abu-bakr.

    But Shias believe that it’s not possible for God who has told us all these little details about how to live and worship, not to have told us something as important as what the Ummah should do after The Prophet SAWA passes away. They believe that GOD has assigned twelve of the Prophet’s SAWA descendants, who like him and other prophets are "ma'sum" (free of all sin, on purpose or by mistake), for them to follow after the Prophet SAWA has died. And ever since then, there has always been an Imam who is alive and living (the last of them Mahdi (alaieh’ssalam) who has been on Earth since the 3rd Hijry century but unknown to everyone until the day God wills him to show himself- the same day Muslims believe that Jesus will come back to Earth).

    This is the major difference between the Shia and Sunni BELIEFs, then because of this difference and the way they have received their instructions after the Prophet(S) (anyone of the Prophet’s Sahabah –the people who have seen the Prophet (S)- or the Caliphs who were usually chosen by their predecessor vs. one of the twelve Imams assigned by God), they have differences in other things like Figh’h and etc. .

    Shia COMPLETELY believe in following the Sunnah of the Prophet SAWA (you might want to read this: ).

    Their difference with the Sunnis is that they believe because this Sunnah should be authenic, they can't accept it from anyone just because they have seen the Prophet (Sunni's definition of Sahabah). The rightness of these people must be assured. The Prophet SAWA had many good and pure companions, I'm not denying it, but we have to accept that they too were normal people and capable of mistake!

    So! Shia believe that this Sunnah should be learned from the Ahl'olbeyt, for two reasons: the logical reason is that a person's family are more likely to be able to tell you the details of how a person lived compared to people who have seen the Prophet SAWA, but the more important and actual reason is that as I've said in my third paragraph (But Shias believe…) No where has God or the Prophet SAWA mentioned using democracy (or worse force) as a way of choosing a leader! They believe that GOD has assigned twelve infallibles of the Prophet’s descendants, to lead the Ummah.

    So Shia don't say we follow the Ahlo'lbeyt just because they're the Prophet's descendants! We see in the Quran that just being blood related doesn't give you any credit (son of Noah (AS)). They believe that the Ahlo'lbeyt are the Imams after the Prophet because GOD has said so and the Prophet SAWA has said it many times (this can be proven by Quran and Hadiths).

    Also Shia (rightly) believes that the path of the Ahlu-lbayt is EXACTLY the path of the Prophet (Salla'llaho Alayhe Wwa Aale), nothing less, nothing more! We believe (with every cell in our bodies) that should the Prophet (SAWA) be alive right now, he would have told us to follow the path of the Ahlu'lbayt! We believe this is the path of Islam, the path that the Prophet (SAWA) has set for us on behalf of Allah and we have MANY proof for it!

    So if we say it's the greatest path, it's because we believe it to be THE path of the Prophet (SAWA) not because (al'ayazo bi'llah) we believe that Ali (AS) and his children (AS) are higher than the Prophet (SAWA).

    Plus! Where has the Prophet told us to get his Sunnah from his companions? No where! But there is a Hadith name "Hadith Thaghalayn" (Hadith of the two weighty things) in which the Prophet says I'm leaving behind two weighty things, the Quran and my Ahlo'lbeit, now some Sunnis say the Hadith was the Quran and my Sunnah, but the Shia version exists in their on books too! See the refrences of


    Source(s): There are more things I would like to say but I don't have anymore space!!
  • 9 years ago

    Sunni follow Quran and Sunnah - the practice of Prophet.

    Majority Muslims accept four Imams for the interpretation of Quranic Laws (Fiqah). Each one was a famous Teacher of Islamic Fiqah (jurisprudence/schools of thought) - Imam Abu hanifa, Imam Malik, Imam Shaffii and Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal - Rehmatullah. Therefore 95% majority Muslims use label of Sunni Muslim who are allowed to follow any one imam of Fiqah for the practice of Islam.

    Shia reject Quran and Sunnah and follow various Infallible Imams from the descends of Ali-r.

    Shia are divided into various sects and differ in Imams. Each sect rejects Imam and belief of other sects. The Imamiya sect (Twelvers) is a majority shia group and they claim to follow the shareah laws framed by Imam Jafer Al-sadiq - the seventh Imam but unable to justify as to what the earlier imams were following. They believe that the real Quran is with the last Imam al-qayam but they are not sure about it and confuse others by saying that the last Imam will decide religious matters by Torah!! Every thing they believe create further confusions about their Islam. Allah knows better.

  • 9 years ago

    The difference is in the fundamental beliefs.

    Shia believe in something called Imamah which is similar to prophethood. They believe those Imams are infallible, they know the unseen and they have higher status than the prophets. They believe if you don't believe in Imamah then you are a not a Muslim.

    Sunnis don't believe in that. Sunnis just say you have to folllow the teaching of prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) and no such thing as Imamah. Qur'an doesn't say anything about Imamah.

    Islam is pure Monotheism. Muslims (Sunnis) ask for every thing directly to God only without making any one intermediary. Calling out, invoking, crying out, making duaa to are all MANIFESTATIONS of worship that should ONLY be directed towards Allah.

    However Shia call (invoke) besides Allah, which is polytheism. They ask Ali or Hussein for help rather than asking Allah.

    Sunni = monotheism = Islam

    Shiism = polytheism = not Islam

    Shia give attributes of Allah to their Imams + Fatima (who is not even Imam).

    They believe:

    - They don't do mistake

    - They don't forget

    - They have the knowledge of past and future

    - They know what in our minds (even after their death)

    - They are all-hearing, all-seeing, all-knowing (even after their death)

    - They are going to judge us in the day of judgement

    and Shia act as following:

    - prostate to their graves

    - ask them for help instead of asking Allah

  • 9 years ago

    shia believe in 1 khalifa/ruler after mohammed and sunni believe in 4. shia tuck their hands in their armpits in salat and sunni keep their right hand over thier left hand on their stomach.

  • 7 years ago

    1.It does not matter you are sunni or shia it is important that you are muslim or at least a good person

    2.Shia in arabic means party (like political party). Before the death of Muhammad people used to call the close friends of Ali (cousin of muhammad) Shia.

    3.Right after the death of Muhammad while Ali were busy with funeral, Abu bakr and omar and 4 other sahaba were busy with who gets the power after muhammad!!! They all disregarded Muhammad saying that suggested Ali directly and indirectly as the leader of umma after his death. like Qadi Khomm or lots of other hadith,....

    4.Omar killed Fatima, the daughter of Muhammad (wife of Ali) with a baby inside and unfortunately sunni scholars especially wahabbis do not like talking about this part of history and if you ask them why the tomb of Zahra is unknown they will become angry of you. This incident made shia very disapointed and sad.

    5.Jamal war also were another story that Aiyasha and some sahaba went to war with Ali and after Ali defeated them, he respectfully returned Ayasha to medina/mecca

    6.Karbala incident where Yazid killed Hussain were another sad historical point that shia wanted separate themselves from those who call themselves muslims and say Allah o Akbar but beheaded the grand son of Muhammad.

    7.Shia love Ahlul bayt and shia is the enemy of the enemy of Ahlol bayt.

    8. Yazid were son of Moavai and moavia were son of Abu sofian whose wife killed and eated the liver of Hamza in ohod war. Guess who put Moavia in shaam? Omar your second Khaliff. Guess who went to war with Ali in Seffain war? Moavia


  • ?
    Lv 5
    9 years ago

    shias love their imams so much that they think the imams are inflatable. sunnis don't. Shiaism was made after political issues

    sunnis hate shias because shias curse ahul-bayt and many sahaba like ummer and abu bakr.

  • 9 years ago

    Shias don't like the fact that the Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet. They think Ali shoulda been the prophet. Sunni Muslims truly respect the Prophet and are happy he's the last prophet :)

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Sunni Muslim. We follow, our Prophet, and what he thought us.

    Shia Muslim. They follow, Ali.

    Source(s): I found this interesting stuff. I went to the Mosque. I heard on Kuthba at Friday prayer, about this. I decided to share at with you. Also, share with your family and friends. Thanks. Fasting for the month of, Rajab. It’s a nafal fasting. Who ever does it. You will be rewarded by Allah. Here is the direction. How to do fasting for the month of, Rajab. If you fast one day in the month of, Rajab. It count as you have fasted one year. If you fast 7 days in that month. The 7 hell door will be closed for that person. If you fast 8 days in that month. The 8 door of paradise will be open for them. If you fast 10 days in that month. Whatever positive things you ask Allah. It is most likely to be accepted. If you fast 15 days in that month. All of your past sin will be forgiven. The month of Rajab. It start in, next week. I checked the Islamic calender. It says, it starts in, next week. Any question. Talk to the Imam.
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    shia, sunni difference is in leaership of Islam after prophet (Imamat). Shias believe that the first Khlifa (successer of the prophet) should have been Ali, whereas Sunnis believe that Abu Bakr should be the first, while Ali the fourth. Both acknowledge Ali as Khalifa, but for Sunnis, he's the fourth, for Shias, he should've been the first, but he gave it up, in order that Muslim affairs remain intact and unsplit.

    The major difference, however, is between Wahabis/Salafists and both Sunnis and Shias. Wahabis/Salafists are the ones who comprise Al-Qaeda members, found mostly around Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and elsewhere. they are pretty much, the Muslim version of the Evangelical church; only, if they're not kept under control, they can get dangerous. Salafists are the ones who are sniper-shooting Syrians and doing suicide-bombings around Syria and Iraq.

    Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has two famous sayings about truth:

    1) *** the Judaism nation after Moses (PBUH) became 71 sect that 70 of them are in Hell and 1 in Heaven and Christianity nation after Jesus (PBUH) became 72 sect that 71 of them are in Hell and 1 in Heaven and Islam nation after prophet become 73 sect that 72 of them are in Hell and 1 in Heaven. ***

    2) *** Truth is with Ali and Ali is with Truth ***

    [en.sahih] O Messenger, announce that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, and if you do not, then you have not conveyed His message. And Allah will protect you from the people. Indeed, Allah does not guide the disbelieving people. ‌[5:67]

    [en.sahih] And We have revealed to you, [O Muhammad], the Book in truth,

    ... Had Allah willed, He would have made you one nation [united in religion], but [He intended] to test you in what He has given you; so race to [all that is] good. To Allah is your return all together, and He will [then] inform you concerning that over which you used to differ. ‌[5:48]

    no need to know all the sects.

    only know and follow Ali (sa)

    (here is text limit, please read rest here:)

    Wahabis/Salafists are the ones who comprise Al-Qaeda members, found mostly around Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Afghanistan and elsewhere. they are pretty much, the Muslim version of the Evangelical church; only, if they're not kept under control, they can get dangerous. Salafists are the ones who are sniper-shooting Syrians and doing suicide-bombings around Syria and Iraq.

    please look at this intresting real story:

    please distinguish between sunni Muslims and extremist Wahhabi (Salafi).

    Salaf literally means "past people"[=Sahaba] and Salafi means who follows Sahaba of prophet. but today Salafi is same as Wahhabi. but they do not like to be called Wahhabi. they prefer to be called Salafi. Wahhabism is founded by Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab based on beliefs of Ibn Taymiyyah in Saudi Arabia. today Wahhabism is based in Saudi Arabia and is propagating beliefs of Wahhabism in world very powerful and with high financial support by petrodollars from Saudi Royal family.

    Wahhabi is in fact supported by US, Israel and England to make conflict inside Muslims and finally to destroy Islam.

    Ashura day keep the message of Imam Hussein (sa) alive to reach all humans.

    Husain (sa) wanted to send his message with his blood to all the world and to all the humans.

    the message of Hussain is:

    there is two different Kind of Islam.

    the pure Islam of prophet and Islam of Yazid (Ummayids) who celebrated killing of Husain (sa) the Imam and real Caliph of their time.

    Husain (sa) said:

    with Yazid, Salam [bye] to Islam.

    please read:

    Quran says:

    "[en.sahih] Have you made the providing of water for the pilgrim and the maintenance of al-Masjid al-Haram equal to [the deeds of] one who believes in Allah and the Last Day and strives in the cause of Allah? They are not equal in the sight of Allah. And Allah does not guide the wrongdoing people. [9:19]"

    please read this books to know Wahhabism more:

    Wahhabism is the continue of deviated version of Islam made by Yazid and Umayyad dynasty to can control ignorant Muslims for their worldly greeds.

    top Umayyad leaders (abu sufyan,..) did not have any belief in God and Quran and revelation.

    without Wahhabism shia and sunni have no problem and are friends.

    please for sake of Allah ask beliefs of shia from shia:


    Source(s): . please reconsider your beliefs and also please 100% consider Shia Islam in your research. please please please: ask beliefs of shia only and only form shia. not from Saudi Wahhabis. best English sites for shia Islam:,ques.ques western truth seekers studying shia Islam in Qum, Iran:
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