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Lv 4
? asked in Society & CultureLanguages · 9 years ago

Would it be hard to learn German?

Considering that English is a Germanic language anyway, how hard/long would it take to learn it?

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Hi, I´m learning german and I can say that it´s not the easiest language (in fact, it´s hard) but it´s very cool to learn. My native language is spanish and I know english too, and as people here say, many words are similar to english (haus/house, bier/beer) but there are a lot of other words that are completely different (kugelschreiber/pen, arbeiten/work) and the grammar, in my experience, is not the easiest because here are declinations and articles... (the headache when you start learning them hahaha) but I think it´s a cool language to learn, and more if you want to go there.

    In conclusion... German is not an easy language (in my opinion) and I think it would take you some years to domain it (like 2 or 3 depending on the effort you put on it) but it´s an interesting and fun language to learn.

    Remember any language you like will be good for you.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    9 years ago

    I would like to learn German too but i don't have time at all.....u can't say that it'll be hard cuz it all depends on the effort your putting to it. You can't pick up a language in a day so it will take quite a long time and it depends on you basically.......i mean like in school they teach you a second language from the time your in KG so you are so perfect at it when you grow......I'm an Arab and English is my second language and I'm a lot better in English than i am in Arabic........The Arabic language is extremely hard to's grammar sucks and i think there's nothing harder than arabic =S.....Back to topic.....if you learn it for a year or two and just leave it then it's no good, cuz you didn't really "learn" the language....but if u use it frequently while you're learning it then it'll stick in your head and you can be fluent at it. German sounds sophisticated but i love their accent so just go for what you like....=D

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    German is just about the easiest language for an English speaker to pick up. It will be especially easy if you have a knack for language. Could be hard if word thingies hard for brain you.

  • 9 years ago

    easy to learn it POORLY --- much harder to learn it WELL.

    How long depends a lot on you -- your motivation(s), access to resources, your skills at learning anything, the modalities you wish to learn (reading, writing, speaking, listening), the level you wish to attain.

    Unless you are interested in the internal history of Germanic languages, it won't make it any easier to learn German than, say Swahili.

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    3 years of hardworking and dedication

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    It depends on how committed and enthusiastic you are

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