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How come the media (and most liberals) are letting Obama slide on things that outraged them when Bush did them?

Afghanistan, Guantanamo, no bid contracts with Halliburton and it's subsidiaries, extending the Patriot Act and FISA, expanding the powers of the TSA, extending the Bush tax cuts...just to name a few.

I remember almost daily protests and outrage from liberals and the media about these things. But Obama is continuing these things and you people are letting them slide.

I guess my question would be this, why?

I know that these are the things that caused me to stop supporting Bush, and now I have had many liberals call me a racist because I speak out about them now that Obama is doing them (which is just as funny as Republicans supporting these policies when Bush was in office, but being upset about Obama doing them). If something is right or wrong, it should be right or wrong regardless of the political affiliation of the President.

Oh, and before you start with the "Well, the Republicans...blah blah blah"...just remember that the Republicans opposed Obamacare and he managed to get that pushed through, so why are these things suddenly less important now that we have a Democrat doing them?


Summer, he is extending policies that do horrific things that both sides (rightfully) opposed when Bush did them. If you can't see that, then your blind partisanship is pretty bad. At least I'm willing to say how horrible these things were when Bush did them (I said it then, and I will continue to). The fact that you're turning a blind eye to them only shows how blinding by a party you are.

6 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Liberal hypocrisy."

    Like Al Gore and global warming while he pollutes the air with his jets and his mansion has a carbon footprint of a small town.

    Like Buffet saying the rich should pay more in taxes while his company fights in court to not pay their taxes.

    Like Pelosi saying Tea Party rallies were hoodlums and racists, but OWS protesters were heroes exercising their freedom of speech.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    9 years ago

    The public could not stop the invasion of Iraq from happening. We have no power. Congress makes decisions in their financial interest.

    Pres. Obama has been withdrawing troops from Afghan and combat troops will be out this year like Iraq. Obama has stopped the renditions, he signed an order to close Guantanamo but Congress refused to act on it. Congress has to repeal legislation, not the President. No bid contracts are between the State Dept and contractors. Obama does not have enough clout to make these things happen. I dont think the TSA has expanded powers. They do screenings at the airport, nothing more.

    The media is not liberal, unless you mean some of the newspapers in print. I think Obamacare is a good thing. It helps people buy health insurance and saves the federal governemnt money.

  • wooton
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    LIberals love conflict. verify out who has been in cost on the commencing up human beings involvement in conflicts because of the fact WW1. they only used the media insurance and protests to attack Bush below the guise of giving a flying squirrel's scrotum. If there had ever been trustworthy the comparable issues could have been happening because of the fact Obama's Afgan surge and could be much greater intense (Code purple, the place artwork thou????).

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    Because they didn't really care about those things, they only cared about whether there was an R or a D next to his name.

  • 9 years ago

    he is doing worst things than bush and was dem all my life obama is hurting this country so bad and people don't care

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    I don't know what you mean. Obama hasn't done any horrific things. He hasn't started any wars. He hasn't gotten anybody killed. You cant just make him out to be a bad guy. Just because its what you want. If you call health care for people and helping radical. Then hes guilty.

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